Library Newsletter
“書香飄逸滿校園”獎賞活動 Reading and Learning on Campus 日期 Date:9/4 – 10/5(公眾假期除 外) (Except Public Holidays) 時間 Time:9:00-20:00 澳大圖書館舉辦是項獎賞活動的目的 在於推廣閱讀,把閱讀樂趣 分享給大 家,讓書香飄逸滿校園。活動期間, 讀者親臨圖書館出納台借書一本,可 獲得蓋章一個,如此類推。憑一個蓋 章可到圖書館參考諮詢台選取圖書一 本。書本以先到先得方式換取,換完 即止。 Join the “Reading and Learning on Campus” event. Borrow a book and bring a book home. Find it out. 澳門大學圖書館招募校外讀者活動 Become a Member of the University of Macau Library 日期 Date:22 / 4 -- 時間 Time:10:30-17:30 地點 Venue:流通櫃台 Circulation Counter 澳門大學圖書館成立至今三十餘年,有着豐富的館藏,除了供大學師生使用的學術性藏書外,也有不少適合社會人士閱讀的書籍。澳大圖書館作為公 立大學的圖書館, 為提升公共服務的形象及讓館藏資源得以充份利用,計劃在本年圖書館期間招募非本校的師生,透過簡便的申請手續成為本館讀 者。 The University of Macau Library plans to further extend its Library services to external users. Welcome to apply for the membership and become a user of the Library. 活動 Activities -- Highlighted 電子資源體驗日 E-resources Discovery Day 日期 Date:22 - 23 / 4 時間 Time:10:00-17:00 地點 Venue:圖書館大堂 Library Lobby 我們知道電子圖書資源的出現,改 變了圖書館在資訊整理與利用的模 式。澳大圖書館為了向大學師生及 澳門市民推廣使用電子資源來進行 閱讀和學習,在本學年圖書館特別 訂定兩天為電子資源體驗日,開辦 有關的專題講座和攤位介紹具有特 色的資料庫。內容包括電子圖書產 品介紹,資料庫免費試用和有獎遊 戲等等活動。 Electronic resources have become an integral part of library services and resources. Come and explore. Trials of databases, introduction to product features, knowledge-based games will be offered and organized. Prizes will be available for participants. 澳門書畫家雅集 Join the Macao Calligraphers and Painters Gathering 日期 Date:22 / 4 時間 Time:15:30 - 18:30 地點 Venue:G007 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 澳大圖書館為豐富本屆圖書館週 的文化內涵,特別邀請澳門文化 界的朋友歡聚一堂作雅集揮毫, 並就書畫藝術的創作進行交流。 此外,圖書館為便於有興趣的師 生參與,特於現場一角準備筆、 墨、紙張,供大家即席揮洒翰 墨,以期在閱讀外多一份人文情 懷。 At this event calligraphers and painters from Macao cultural circles will gather together, share thoughts on art and exercise calligraphy and painting. You are welcome to join this event and have a hands-on opportunity to exercise calligraphy and painting on your own. 書中尋寶 Treasure Hunt in Books 日期 Date:24 – 25 / 4 時間 Time:15:00-17:00 地點 Venue:G007 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 這是澳大圖書館曾成功舉辦的遊戲活 動之一,主旨是通過活動讓大家靜中 帶動,更喜愛閱讀。這次遊戲活動再 次舉辦當然為大家帶來更豐富的獎 品。大致玩法是參賽隊伍以20 組為 限,每組限2-5 位成員,各組按照題 目的提示,使用圖書館的查詢系統找 出藏書位置,找到書籤便可取得一 分,以累積分數最多者獲勝。有興趣 的讀者快些組隊參賽啦。 A fun treasure hunt in the Library to relax and gain knowledge on library services and prizes. 前言 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此一溝通的管道,能讓各讀者多瞭解圖書館一點,也希望能透過此一刊物,將圖書館 的消息傳播出去。本期為 2018 年度圖書館周專刊。期待廣大讀者能透過參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時也希望對圖書 館工作提出寶貴的意見。 Preface The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, and we hope to disseminate the library's news through this publication. This is a special issue for the Macao Library Week 2018. We hope library readers will gain more knowledge of library services through participation in a variety of activities organized by the Library and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on library work.
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