前言 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此一溝通的管道,能讓各讀者多瞭解圖書館一點,也希望能透過此一刊物,將圖書館 的消息傳播出去。期待廣大讀者能透過參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時也希望對圖書館工作提出寶貴的意見。 Preface The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, and we hope to disseminate the library's news through this publication. We hope library readers will gain more knowledge of library services through participation in a variety of activities organized by the Library and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on library work. 活動 Activities [Cite your source here.] 慶祝“世界葡萄牙語日” 澳大葡語詩歌首播 To celebrate the "World Portuguese Language Day", a Portuguese poetry video is released by UM 日期 Date:5 / 5 地點 Venue:線上 Online 為慶祝“世界葡萄牙語日”,澳門大學人文學院 與澳門大學圖書館於5月5日共同線上首播由澳 大人文學院葡文系姚風老師編寫的詩《過分相 信》,並由黃琳同學進行視頻製作及朗誦。 詩人在這首詩中,批判了世間存在的荒唐與傲 慢,也展現出詩人所堅守的態度以及對未來的希 望。 To celebrate the "World Portuguese Language Day", the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Macau and UM Library jointly release a video, which is a recitation of a poem entitled "ACREDITO DEMASIADO" written by Prof. Yao Jing Ming of the Department of Portuguese of the FAH of UM on May 5, The video is produced and recited by Ms. Huang Lin, a postgraduate at UM. In this poem, the poet criticizes the absurdity and arrogance of existence in the world, and also shows the attitude that the poet adheres to and his hope for the future. 澳大舉行珍貴葡萄牙手稿本入藏儀式 UM holds preservation ceremony for rare Portuguese manuscript 日期 Date:9 / 6 地點 Venue:展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 澳門大學圖書館舉行《葡萄牙國王若望五世特使麥 德樂朝覲雍正皇帝紀行(1725-1728)》手稿本入 藏儀式。手稿由澳門大學發展基金會捐贈,詳細記 錄了葡國使臣麥德樂(Alexandre Metelo de Sousa e Menezes)朝覲雍正皇帝的行程,對中葡早期關係 史研究意義深遠。 UM Library held a preservation ceremony for a rare Portuguese manuscript titled ‘Official Report of the Embassy of King John V of Portugal to Emperor Yongzheng in 1725-1728’. The manuscript, donated by the University of Macau Development Foundation, details the arrival of the Portuguese ambassador Alexandre Metelo de Sousa e Menezes in Beijing via Macao to visit the Yongzheng Emperor and is of great significance to the study of early Sino-Portuguese relations.humanities scholars, as well as bringing the library’s digital humanities projects and services to a new level. 笹川杯品書知日本徵文大獎賽2022--澳門大學初選 "Sasakawa Cup National Japanese-Language Essay Competition 2022" 日期 Date:29 / 8 – 23 / 9 地點 Venue:線上 Online 2022 年是中日邦交正常化50 周年,是值得紀念的一 年。舉辦“笹川杯品書知日本徵文大賽2022”活 動,旨在鼓勵中國大學生通過閱讀各類與日本相關 的書籍,撰寫論文、讀後感等體裁的文章,達到相 互感知、相互交流、相互理解、相互尊重的目的。 為實現巴黎協定的目標,積極宣導低碳和綠色能 源,本屆大賽擬聚焦“低碳與綠色能源”,借助閱 讀來瞭解和分析世界、尤其是中日兩國在低碳與綠 色能源方面的作為和貢獻。 The "Sasakawa Cup National Japanese-Language Essay Competition 2022" aims to encourage Chinese university students to perceive, communicate, understand and respect each other through reading various books related to Japan and writing essays to express their feelings. At the same time, it will stimulate the interest of Chinese students in understanding and researching Japanese society, economy, culture and other aspects, promote friendly exchanges between the people of China and Japan, and build a peaceful world together.
2 請在這裡輸入標題 閉館不打烊, 服務在線上 Library Services continue during closure period 澳大圖書館五位同事參與社區核酸檢測志願服務 Five colleagues from UM Library participated in the community nucleic acid testing volunteer service 日期 Date:19-20 / 6 抗疫專欄 Anti-Epidemic Column 澳大圖書館五位同事李兆銀、李仲明、潘雅茵、謝惠紗和梁惠怡,於2022 年 6月19日和20日輪流參加了石排灣公立學校核酸檢測站志願工作,其中李仲 明和謝惠紗2021 年10 月疫情期間就參與了社區志願活動,這次是第二次參 與。今次疫情對澳門來說是比較突然,但看見市民能對政府的防疫安排相當 配合,身為工作人員,看見此情況都相當感動,也感謝市民能夠積極參與。 Five colleagues from UM Library, Molly Lei, Stephen Lei, Priscilla Pun, Candy Che and Winnie Leung, took turns to participate in the volunteer work at the city-wide nucleic acid testing station at Esclola Official de Seac Pai Van on the 19th and 20th, June 2022. Stephen and Candy had participated in the city-wide nucleic acid testing service during the epidemic in October 2021. This is the second time they had participated. This epidemic is relatively sudden for Macau. Seeing that the citizens cooperate well with the government's epidemic prevention arrangements, as volunteers, we are very touched to see this situation and also thank all citizens for their participation. 自2022 年6月19日起,因疫情原因大學圖書館 暫停開放,期間設立熱線電話(88228170)及電郵 (lib_ref@um.edu.mo), 回應讀者查詢及提供 線上支援服務。讀者服務亦於閉館期間作以下 特別安排: 1.原還書期限將相應延長,讀者無須急於歸還圖 書資料。 2.需要辦理畢業或離校手續的學生,包括提交畢 業論文,可電郵 lib_circ@um.edu.mo, 圖書館同事 會盡快協助和安排。 3.讀者仍可如常使用圖書館網上資源,如數據 庫、電子期刊、電子書等。 Since 19 June 2022, the University Library has been temporarily closed due to the epidemic. During this period, a hotline (88228170) and an email (lib_ref@um.edu.mo) have been set up to respond to readers' inquiries and online support services were provided. Special arrangements for reader services are as below: 1.The due dates of books will be extended accordingly. Users do not need to rush to return books. 2.Students who need to complete the graduation or leaving procedures, including graduation thesis submission, can email to lib_circ@um.edu.mo. Our library staff will assist and arrange accordingly. 3.Users can still use the Library's online resources, such as databases, e-journals, e-books, etc., as usual.
3 抗疫期間大學圖書館在各方面加強清潔消毒: 抗疫專欄 Anti-Epidemic Column During the anti-epidemic period, UM Library enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all aspects: Book borrowing/return services: · All returned books are sterilized. Seat space reset: · Seat spacing has been rearranged to avoid face-to face seating. Cleaning arrangements: · The seats, service counters, elevators, lifts, computers and bookshelves are cleaned more regularly. · Disinfection supplies are provided at the Library entrance, lifts, and service counters. 借還書服務 · 歸還的書籍,進行殺菌消毒。 閱覽座位重置 · 擴大座位間隔,減少密集和面對面的座位。 館內清潔安排 · 加強座椅、服務台、電梯、電腦、圖書的清潔; · 在圖書館門口、電梯、服務台設酒精消毒液給讀者使用。
4 請在這裡輸入標題 會議 Conference 澳大舉行澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯盟視頻會議 UM holds an Assembly Meeting of Academic Library Alliance Between Macao SAR and the Portuguese Speaking Countries Virtually 日期 Date:18 / 5 地點 Venue:線上 Online 2022年5月18日下午,中國澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯 盟舉行視頻會議。澳門大學馬許願副校長(全球事務)致辭並介紹了 2023年首屆漢語和葡語國際論壇的籌備工作。會議討論了聯盟成立半 年以來的工作進展以及聯合目錄與館際互借專業小組會議等內容。經 投票表決,聯盟吸納了5個新成員,分別為巴西的南卡西亞斯學、朗 多尼亞聯邦大學,莫桑比克的贊比西大學,葡萄牙的里斯本理工學院 以及本澳的澳門國際研究所。吳建中館長、梁德海助理館長、潘雅茵 主管、李仲明主管、韋保羅高級主任代表澳門大學圖書館出席了會 議。 An Assembly Meeting of Academic Library Alliance Between Macao Special Administrative Region (China) and the Portuguese Speaking Countries (ABAMAPLP) was held virtually on the afternoon of 18 May 2022. Prof. Rui Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affair) of University of Macau delivered a welcome speech and introduced the preparatory work for the First International Forum of Portuguese and Chinese Languages. The work progress of the Alliance since its establishment half year ago, as well as the two work groups for cooperative cataloging and inter-library loan have been discussed. In addition, 5 new memberships of the Alliance have been approved after the voting, namely, Universidade de Caxias do Sul and Universidade Federal de Rondônia from Brazil, Universidade Zambeze from Mozambique, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa from Portugal and Instituto Internacional de Macau from Macao. Dr. Jianzhong Wu the University Librarian, Billy Leung Assistant Librarian, Priscilla Pun Acquisition Librarian, Stephen Lei System Librarian, and Paulo Alexandre Viegas Senior Library Officer attended the meeting. 日期 Date:22 / 7 地點 Venue:線上 Online 澳大圖書館潘雅茵主管於7月22日在第87屆國際圖書館協會和機構聯 合會 “世界圖書館與信息會議"年會上作線上報告。報告在愛爾蘭科克 大學的衛星會議上發表,會議主題為“啟發、參與及可持續性",該會 議由環境可持續性及圖書館、管理與行銷,及保存與保育三個專業委員 組合辦。報告題目為“通過聯盟在學術圖書館中構建可持續性及開放科 學:以澳門特別行政區為例"。國際圖聯 “世界圖書館與信息會議"是 業內領先的國際會議,旨在實現圖書館專業對高質量圖書館和信息服 務,以及信息獲取的承諾。 Priscilla Pun of the UM Library presented virtually in the Satellite Meeting of the 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Ireland on 22 July 2022. The Satellite Meeting, with the theme “Inspired and Engaged on Sustainability”, was held in the University College Cork Library in Cork and co-organized by the three IFLA Professional Sections, namely, Environment Sustainability and Libraries, Management and Marketing, and Preservation and Conservation. The title of her presentation was “Building Sustainability and Open Science in Academic Libraries Through Alliances: The Case of Macao SAR”. IFLA WLIC is the leading international conference focused on delivering on library profession’s commitment to high quality library and information services and access to information. 潘雅茵主管在國際圖聯 “世界圖書館與信息會議2022"年會作報告 Priscilla Pun presents in a Satellite Event of the IFLA WLIC 2022
5 s 展覽 Exhibition 澳大辦《澳門與內地高校圖書館服務創新聯展》 UM holds joint exhibition of Macao and mainland university libraries service innovation 日期 Date:30 / 8 – 15 / 9 地點 Venue:圖書館大堂 Library lobby 澳門自與內地高校成立“澳門特別行政區與內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟"後,開展了不同的館際文獻互借服務、葡語教學視頻會議等活 動。為響應聯盟“一館一品”服務案例展示活動,澳門大學舉辦《澳門與內地高校圖書館服務創新聯展》,展示各成員館在服務創新方面的 成果。 Since the establishment of the Portuguese Language Resources Alliance for Academic Libraries between Macao SAR and the Mainland China, member libraries of the alliance have jointly offered various services and carried out different activities, such as inter-library document borrowing services and video conferences on Portuguese language teaching. In response to the alliance’s ‘One Library One Product’ activity to showcase innovative library services, the University of Macau (UM) recently kicked off the Joint Exhibition of Macao and Mainland University Libraries Service Innovation to exhibit the achievements of member libraries of the alliance in library service innovation.
6 請在這裡輸入標題 ss 館內消息 Library News [Cite your source here.] 第一期《澳門大學檔案館通訊》 已推出 The 1st issue of "UM archives Newsletter" is launched 日期 Date:18 / 5 澳門大學檔案館於2021年6月成立以來,根據澳門特區政府有關檔案管理的規定 和要求,開展了諸如檔案整理、分類歸檔、庫房建設等一系列卓有成效的業務活 動。為了更好地開展大學檔案管理工作,從本期起不定期地發佈檔案工作通訊, 以便更好地加強與政府有關部門和校內各單位之間的溝通以及檔案管理人員之間 的交流。 Since its establishment in June 2021, the UM Archives has carried out a series of fruitful activities such as archives cataloging, filing, and warehouse construction in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the Macao SAR government on Archive Management. In order to better carry out the university Archive Management work, the archives newsletter will be released irregularly from this issue, to better strengthen the communication with the relevant government departments and various units in the university, as well as the exchanges between the Archive Management personnel. 「澳門大學學者庫」與「教學人員歷程檔」系統對接工作正式啟動 Official launch of the integration between the "University of Macau Scholars Page" and the "Academic Staff Portfolio System" 日期 Date:26 / 5 5月26日是重要的日子,因為「澳大學術出版物資料庫(Academic Publication Database)」將在此日停用,並由5月27日開始,「學者庫」 全面接替其功能並與「教學人員歷程檔」系統對接。其將涵蓋本校全職教學人員所有研究產出資料,並為每年的評估工作提供有力的支持。 「學者庫」的建設將關乎每一位教學人員工作成果的呈現。經歷近4年的建設,現在進入關鍵的時刻,極需要各位的關注及配合。再次感谢 大家對此項工作一直以來的支持及信任。 May 26 is an important date. The “Academic Publication Database” will be discontinued on this day. Starting from May 27, the “Scholars Page” fully takes over its functions and connect with the “Academic Staff Portfolio System”. It covers all the research output of the university's full-time academic staff and provides references to the annual assessment. The establishment of the “Scholars Page” will be of great importance to academic staff’s achievement presentation. After nearly 4 years of construction, it is now entering a critical moment, which requires your attention and cooperation. Thank you again for your continued support and trust in this project. 第二期《澳門大學檔案館通訊》 已推出 The 2nd issue of "UM archives Newsletter" is launched 日期 Date:29 / 7 本期要目: 1. 澳大舉行珍貴葡萄牙手稿本入藏儀式 2. 澳大檔案管理系統介紹 3. 澳門大學檔案管理指引簡介 4. 澳門檔案法最新消息 Contents: 1. UM held preservation ceremony for rare Portuguese manuscript 2. Introduction of the UM records management system 3. Introduction of the UM Guidelines for Archive Management 4. Latest news on Archives Law of Macao
7 日期 Date 時間 Time 活動 Event 地點 Venue 5 / 5 18 / 5 9 / 6 22 / 7 22 / 8 ----- ----- ----- ----- 14:30 - 15:00 慶祝“世界葡萄牙語日” 澳大葡語詩歌首播 To celebrate the "World Portuguese Language Day", a Portuguese poetry video is released by UM 澳大舉行澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯盟視頻會議 UM holds an Assembly Meeting of Academic Library Alliance Between Macao SAR and the Portuguese Speaking Countries Virtually 澳大舉行珍貴葡萄牙手稿本入藏儀式 UM holds preservation ceremony for rare Portuguese manuscript 潘雅茵主管在國際圖聯 “世界圖書館與信息會議2022"年會作報告 Priscilla Pun presents in a Satellite Event of the IFLA WLIC 2022 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 線上 Online 線上 Online 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 線上 Online 線上 Online 23 / 8 10:30 - 11:00 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 線上 Online 24 / 8 14:30 - 15:00 10:30 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (英語) Library Orientation (English) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (廣東話) Library Orientation (Cantonese) 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 25 / 8 26 / 8 29 / 8 29 / 8 – 23 / 9 30 / 8 30 / 8 – 15 / 9 10:30 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 10:30 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 10:30 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 ----- 10:30 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 ----- 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (廣東話) Library Orientation (Cantonese) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (英語) Library Orientation (English) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (廣東話) Library Orientation (Cantonese) 笹川杯品書知日本徵文大獎賽2022--澳門大學初選 "Sasakawa Cup National Japanese-Language Essay Competition 2022" 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (廣東話) Library Orientation (Cantonese) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 澳大辦《澳門與內地高校圖書館服務創新聯展》 UM holds joint exhibition of Macao and mainland university libraries service innovation 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online 活動總表 Event Summary [Cite your source here.]
8 請在這裡輸入標題 日期 Date 31 / 8 時間 Time 10:30 - 11:00 14:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:00 活動 Event 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (英語) Library Orientation (English) 快速入門—圖書館的資源與服務 (普通話) Library Orientation (Mandarin) 文獻綜述好Easy:利用EBSCO 資料庫查找綜述文章 (普通話) EBSCO Workshop 地點 Venue 線上 Online 線上 Online 線上 Online