4 請在這裡輸入標題 會議 Conference 澳大舉行澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯盟視頻會議 UM holds an Assembly Meeting of Academic Library Alliance Between Macao SAR and the Portuguese Speaking Countries Virtually 日期 Date:18 / 5 地點 Venue:線上 Online 2022年5月18日下午,中國澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯 盟舉行視頻會議。澳門大學馬許願副校長(全球事務)致辭並介紹了 2023年首屆漢語和葡語國際論壇的籌備工作。會議討論了聯盟成立半 年以來的工作進展以及聯合目錄與館際互借專業小組會議等內容。經 投票表決,聯盟吸納了5個新成員,分別為巴西的南卡西亞斯學、朗 多尼亞聯邦大學,莫桑比克的贊比西大學,葡萄牙的里斯本理工學院 以及本澳的澳門國際研究所。吳建中館長、梁德海助理館長、潘雅茵 主管、李仲明主管、韋保羅高級主任代表澳門大學圖書館出席了會 議。 An Assembly Meeting of Academic Library Alliance Between Macao Special Administrative Region (China) and the Portuguese Speaking Countries (ABAMAPLP) was held virtually on the afternoon of 18 May 2022. Prof. Rui Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affair) of University of Macau delivered a welcome speech and introduced the preparatory work for the First International Forum of Portuguese and Chinese Languages. The work progress of the Alliance since its establishment half year ago, as well as the two work groups for cooperative cataloging and inter-library loan have been discussed. In addition, 5 new memberships of the Alliance have been approved after the voting, namely, Universidade de Caxias do Sul and Universidade Federal de Rondônia from Brazil, Universidade Zambeze from Mozambique, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa from Portugal and Instituto Internacional de Macau from Macao. Dr. Jianzhong Wu the University Librarian, Billy Leung Assistant Librarian, Priscilla Pun Acquisition Librarian, Stephen Lei System Librarian, and Paulo Alexandre Viegas Senior Library Officer attended the meeting. 日期 Date:22 / 7 地點 Venue:線上 Online 澳大圖書館潘雅茵主管於7月22日在第87屆國際圖書館協會和機構聯 合會 “世界圖書館與信息會議"年會上作線上報告。報告在愛爾蘭科克 大學的衛星會議上發表,會議主題為“啟發、參與及可持續性",該會 議由環境可持續性及圖書館、管理與行銷,及保存與保育三個專業委員 組合辦。報告題目為“通過聯盟在學術圖書館中構建可持續性及開放科 學:以澳門特別行政區為例"。國際圖聯 “世界圖書館與信息會議"是 業內領先的國際會議,旨在實現圖書館專業對高質量圖書館和信息服 務,以及信息獲取的承諾。 Priscilla Pun of the UM Library presented virtually in the Satellite Meeting of the 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Ireland on 22 July 2022. The Satellite Meeting, with the theme “Inspired and Engaged on Sustainability”, was held in the University College Cork Library in Cork and co-organized by the three IFLA Professional Sections, namely, Environment Sustainability and Libraries, Management and Marketing, and Preservation and Conservation. The title of her presentation was “Building Sustainability and Open Science in Academic Libraries Through Alliances: The Case of Macao SAR”. IFLA WLIC is the leading international conference focused on delivering on library profession’s commitment to high quality library and information services and access to information. 潘雅茵主管在國際圖聯 “世界圖書館與信息會議2022"年會作報告 Priscilla Pun presents in a Satellite Event of the IFLA WLIC 2022