5 s 展覽 Exhibition 澳大辦《澳門與內地高校圖書館服務創新聯展》 UM holds joint exhibition of Macao and mainland university libraries service innovation 日期 Date:30 / 8 – 15 / 9 地點 Venue:圖書館大堂 Library lobby 澳門自與內地高校成立“澳門特別行政區與內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟"後,開展了不同的館際文獻互借服務、葡語教學視頻會議等活 動。為響應聯盟“一館一品”服務案例展示活動,澳門大學舉辦《澳門與內地高校圖書館服務創新聯展》,展示各成員館在服務創新方面的 成果。 Since the establishment of the Portuguese Language Resources Alliance for Academic Libraries between Macao SAR and the Mainland China, member libraries of the alliance have jointly offered various services and carried out different activities, such as inter-library document borrowing services and video conferences on Portuguese language teaching. In response to the alliance’s ‘One Library One Product’ activity to showcase innovative library services, the University of Macau (UM) recently kicked off the Joint Exhibition of Macao and Mainland University Libraries Service Innovation to exhibit the achievements of member libraries of the alliance in library service innovation.