UM LIBRARY NEWSLETTER Focus on Cross Collaboration Together Construct a Win-Win World Volume 11 May 2023 Newsletter webpage 聚 焦 跨 域 合 作 ‧ 携 手 共 建 共 贏 2022/2023 ACADEMIC YEAR
NEWS 深化圖書館合作 ‧ 推動可持續發展 Deepening Library Cooperation and Promoting Sustainable Development The annual meeting and forum of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-University of Macau Library Alliance recently held at the University of Macau Library. There were 70 delegates representing 30 university libraries from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao at this meeting, where they exchanged ideas on library development and co-operation. Fong Ka Kin, Acting Head of the Higher Education Department of the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, Wu Jianzhong, University Librarian of the University of Macau, He Wenping, University Librarian of Sun Yat-sen University, and Benjamin Meunier, Librarian of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, presented the speeches at the opening ceremony. Loi Chi Pang, Head of the Public Library Management Department of the Macao SAR Cultural Affairs Bureau, as well as representatives from other members of the Alliance, also attended the ceremony. LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 會 議 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟年會 暨館長論壇在澳門大學圖書 館順利召開,來自粵港澳三 地的30所高校圖書館共70位 代表出席會議,就圖書館的 發展及合作展開熱烈交流。 開幕式上,澳門特別行政區 政府教育及青年發展局高等 教育廳代廳長馮家健、澳大 圖書館館長吳建中、中山大 學圖書館館長何文平、香港 中文大學圖書館館長文奈爾 (Benjamin Meunier)分別 致辭。出席開幕式的嘉賓還 包括澳門特區政府文化局公 共圖書館管理廳廳長呂志鵬 以及聯盟各成員館代表。 Conference page 2023
NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 會 議 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 澳門高校圖書館聯盟召開第十九次聯席會議 Macau Academic Library Alliance Held the 19th Joint Meeting (2022.12.06) 澳門高校圖書館聯盟(MALA)在2022年 12月6日於澳門大學大學展館召開第十 九次聯席會議,共有8間院校17名代表 列席會議,包括:澳門大學圖書館長吳 建中﹑副館長王國強﹑助理館長梁德海 ﹑事務主管潘雅茵﹑事務主管許偉達 (聯盟秘書及會議匯報主持);澳門理 工大學圖書館館長劉曼玲﹑職務主管胡 逸彪;澳門科技大學圖書館館長趙洗塵 ﹑副館長楊迅淩;澳門城市大學圖書館 館長師麗梅(是次聯盟主席)﹑行政主 任陳艷偉;澳門旅遊學院圖書館館長李 嘉汶(新任聯盟主席);澳門聖若瑟大 學圖書館館長陳安怡;澳門鏡湖護理學 院圖書館負責人王玉玗;澳門管理學院 行政主任卓瑩瑩;澳門圖書館暨資訊管 理協會秘書劉凱欣;教育及青年發展局 高教合作交流處技術員梁麗娟列席。 澳門高校圖書館聯盟自2014年成立以 來,在教育及青年發展局支持下,聯盟 購置了不同類型的科研及專利分析工 具、電子資料庫等學術資源供本澳高校 師生使用;聯盟推出了館際互借服務及 “澳門文獻港”等一系列資源共用服務。 師生可透過“澳門文獻港”平台,一站式 查到各高校的圖書文獻資源。各會員館 期待在新的一年裡,聯盟的各項服務有 進一步的發展和提升。 The Macau Academic Library Alliance (MALA) held its 19th joint meeting at the University Gallery of the University of Macao on 6 December 2022. A total of 17 representatives from 8 institutions attended the meeting, namely: University of Macao, Dr Wu Jianzhong (University Librarian), Dr Raymond Wong (Associate University Librarian), Mr Billy Leung (Associate University Librarian), Ms Priscilla Pun (Functional Head), and Mr Wilson Hoi (Functional Head, the secretariat of the Alliance, and the host of the meeting); Polytechnic University of Macao, Ms Inês Lau (Library Director), and Mr Wu Iat Pio (Functional Head); Macao University of Science and Technology, Ms Zhao Xichen (University Librarian), and Mr Yang Xunling (Associate University Librarian); City University of Macao, Ms Shi Li Mei (Director, Chair of the Alliance), and Ms Vivian Chen (Administrative Officer); Macao Institute for Tourism Studies Library, Ms Carmen Lei (Librarian, and new Chair of the Alliance); University of Saint Joseph, Ms Emily Chan (Library Director); Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macao, Ms Sarah Wong (Librarian); Macau Library and Information Management Association, Ms Lau (Secretary); Division of Tertiary Educational Cooperation and Exchange of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr Leong Lai Kun. Since the establishment of MALA in 2014, the Alliance has purchased, with the support of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, different types of scientific research and patent analysis tools, electronic databases and other academic resources for teachers and students of Macao universities, and launched a series of resource-sharing services, such as the interlibrary loan service and MALA Hub. The MALA Hub platform made it possible for users to find resources from various universities with a one-stop. Because of the success of these initiatives success, Alliance members now look forward to future developments and improvements in the various services in the coming year. Conference page 2023
NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 會 議 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 粵科圖(信息所)與澳門大學簽署戰略合作協定 Guangdong Province Science and Technology Library Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the University of Macau (2023.3.3) 3月3日,廣東省科技圖書館(廣東省 科學院信息研究所)(以下簡稱粵科 圖(信息所))與澳門大學簽署智慧 財產權信息公共服務戰略合作框架協 定。省科學院合作促進部主任鄭新、 澳門大學圖書館助理圖書館館長梁德 海、粵科圖(信息所)館(所)長裘 鋼等出席簽約活動。 簽約儀式上,鄭新指出,本次簽約是 貫徹落實粵港澳大灣區發展戰略的具 體行動,省科學院及粵科圖(信息 所)將協同澳門大學發揮各自優勢, 協同推進智慧財產權信息公共服務體 系建設,為粵港澳大灣區打造國際科 技創新高地做出應有貢獻。裘鋼表 示,本次簽約打通新時期雙方全方位 多領域合作管道,有助於深化粵澳科 技創新合作交流,以智慧財產權高水 準保護與高品質運用賦能粵港澳大灣 區創新發展。 澳門大學圖書館館長吳建中視頻表 示,協定的簽署標誌著雙方建立長期 穩定的戰略合作關係,有助於充分發 揮雙方優勢,深化合作領域、促進共 同發展,推動融入粵港澳大灣區科技 創新全鏈條,共同提升智慧財產權及 科技服務水準。澳門大學圖書館助理 館長梁德海表示,期待雙方在智慧財 產權信息公共服務多領域合作做出積 極有益嘗試,面向社會公眾和創新主 體提供智慧財產權全方位支援服務。 根據協定,雙方將秉承服務大局、協 同創新、合作共贏原則,在信息資源 建設、智慧財產權信息公共服務體系 建設、智慧財產權服務及科技智庫服 務、人才培養及學習交流等領域展開 合作,共同推動國家智慧財產權信息 公共服務體系建設。 澳門大學研究服務及知識轉移辦公室 智慧財產權事務主任吳雯、圖書館事 務主管楊迅淩等,省科學院合作促進 部、粵科圖(信息所)有關部門負責 人參加簽約活動,並開展座談交流。 On March 3, the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Library and the University of Macau signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on intellectual property information public services. Director Zheng Xin of the Cooperation Promotion Department of Provincial Academy of Sciences, Assistant University Librarian Billy Leung of the University of Macau Library, and Director Qiu Gang of the Guangdong Science and Technology Library attended the signing ceremony. At the signing ceremony, Zheng Xin pointed out that this agreement would be a concrete action to implement the development strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Provincial Academy of Sciences and Guangdong Province Science and Technology Library would cooperate with the University of Macau to give full play to their respective advantages, jointly promote the construction of a public service system for intellectual property information, and make contributions to the creation of an international technological innovation highland in the Greater Bay Area. Qiu Gang stated that this agreement would open up all-round and multifield cooperation channels between the two parties in the new era, which would help deepen cooperation and exchanges in science and technology innovation between Guangdong and Macao, and empower the innovation and development of the Greater Bay Area with high-level protection and high-quality use of intellectual property rights. Wu Jianzhong, University Librarian of the University of Macau, said in a video that the signing of the agreement marked the establishment of a long-term and stable strategic cooperative relationship between the two parties, which would help to give full play to the advantages of both parties, deepen cooperation areas, promote common development, promote integration into the entire chain of technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area, and jointly improve the level of intellectual property and technological services. Billy Leung, Assistant University Librarian of the University of Macau, said that he expected the two parties to make positive and beneficial attempts in cooperation in multiple fields of intellectual property information public services, and provide comprehensive support services for intellectual property rights to the public and individuals. According to the agreement, the two parties will uphold the principles of collaborative innovation and win-win cooperation. By cooperating in the fields of information resources construction, intellectual property information public service system construction, intellectual property services and technology think tank services, talent training and learning exchanges, etc., the parties will jointly accomplished the construction of the national intellectual property information public service system. Related personnel from the Cooperation Promotion Department of the Provincial Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Library and the University of Macau participated in the signing ceremony and discussions. Participants from the University of Macau included Wen Wu, Functional Head of Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization Affairs of the Research Service and Knowledge Transfer Office, and Yang Xunling, Functional Head of Public Access and Reference Unit of the University Library, etc. Conference page 2023
NEWS The Museum of Art of the University of Macao officially opened on 16 May 2023. The 60 pieces currently on display include artwork from the museum’s collection, as well as works created by faculty members and other university staff. The opening ceremony was attended by Ao Leong U, Secretary for Special Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR, Tian Xiaoping, Deputy Head of the Publicity and Culture Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR, Lam Kam Seng, Chairman of the Council of the University of Macau. Yonghua Song, Rector of the University of Macao, was also present and expressed his full support for the creation of this museum. In his speech, Rector Yonghua Song stated that the Museum of Art will also regularly display the academic achievements of the UM Department of Arts and Design, as well as integrate artistic outreach activities, providing a platform for faculty members, students, and residents to showcase and exchange ideas on artistic creations. The Art Museum is located in Zone C on the first and second floors of the Wu Yee Sun Library of the University of Macau. The museum's exhibitions are open to the public from 10 AM to 7 PM throughout the week. 澳大藝術博物館於2023年5月16日正式開幕,並舉 辦館藏展暨教職員藝術作品展,展出近60件作品。 開幕儀式由澳門特別行政區政府社會文化司司長歐 陽瑜、中聯辦宣傳文化部副部長田小平、澳大校董 會主席林金城和澳大校長宋永華主持。 宋永華致辭時表示,澳大藝術博物館具有收藏、展 覽、教學和交流的功能,未來將定期展出相關教學 成果,開展藝術普及活動,既服務於大學的人才培 養和學科發展,也為在校師生和澳門市民提供藝術 創作展示與交流的平台。這一藝術空間無疑為澳大 培養藝術人才創造了更好的藝術環境,還有助於提 升澳門市民的藝術修養和審美趣味。 澳門大學藝術博物館開幕 UM Museum of Art Officially Opened 2023.05.16 LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 開 幕 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 澳大藝術博物館位於澳大伍 宜孫圖書館C區一樓和二 樓。館藏展暨教職員藝術作 品展免費開放,時間為周一 至周日10:00-19:00,展期 至7月31日。 -- 澳大藝術博物館網站鏈接 UM Museum of Art Website Link -- Opening page 2023
NEWS In order to meet the teaching-learning needs of teachers, students and readers, the library of the University of Macao has recently inaugurated the Audio Book Corner in the reading area of the second floor. The Audio Book Corner not only provides audio book resources, but also features three state-of-art reading booths for readers to listen and record. Mr Ian Huen, an entrepreneur who is passionate about education, sponsors the Audio Book Corner of the University Library. Professor Rui Martins, vice-rector for Global Affairs of the University of Macao, pointed out that audio reading is one of the new trends, and the Audio Book Corner could become a new learning method and enrich the habits of reading. For his part, Hu Xiaoming, Director of the East China Normal University Library, also stated in his congratulatory letter that the audio book is set to play a more important role in reading habits as well as influence the way of thinking of writers. He expressed his wish to cooperate with the University of Macau Library in sharing audio book resources. Mr Wing-ming, vice chairperson of the University of Macao Council, delivered a video speech in which he expressed his wish that the Audio Book Corner could play an important role in improving readers' scientific literacy and knowledge acquisition. 為適應師生和讀者的學習需求,澳門大學圖書 館在二層閱覽區新開設了有聲書坊。有聲書坊 不僅擁有豐富的有聲書資源,而且還設置三間 現代化的朗讀亭,供讀者欣賞和錄製。澳門大 學圖書館有聲書坊由熱心於教育事業的實業家 禤駿遠先生捐助。 澳門大學圖書館有聲書坊開幕 Inauguration of the Audiobook Corner in the University of Macau Library 2022.12.09 LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 開 幕 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 馬許願副校長指出,有聲閱讀正在成為一種全民 閱讀的新趨勢,能鼓勵讀者豐富他們的閱讀習 慣、學習和思考。華東師範大學圖書館胡曉明館 長在賀信中指出,有聲書可以促成新的讀書習 慣,甚至對寫作者的思維方式有更多的影響,並 表示願與澳大圖書館合作,共用有聲書資源。 澳大校董會副主席禤永明先生視頻致辭,希望有聲書坊開放能爲提升讀者的科學素養 和知識積累起積極作用。 -- 有聲書坊網頁鏈接 Audiobook Corner Webpage Link -- Opening page 2023
NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 來 訪 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 2023年5月17日,廣州大典研究中心到訪澳門大學圖書 館,了解澳門大學圖書館古籍文獻檔案收藏情況,洽商進 一步合作事宜。 On 17 May 2023, experts from Guangzhou Dadian Research Centre visited the UM Library to learn about the existing collection of rare books and archives and discuss future cooperation. 2023年5月4日,橫琴粵澳深度合作區民生事務局的馮方丹副局 長率領一行參觀了澳門大學展館和圖書館。期間,與澳門大學 圖書館進行了座談交流,討論雙方的合作事項。 On 4 May 2023, Feng Fangdan, Deputy Director of the Civil Services Bureau of Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and his team visited the Gallery and Library of the University of Macau. During this visit, a meeting was held to discuss co-operation between the two sides. 2023年3月23日,香港中文大學出版社甘琦社長、编辑部葉 敏磊主任、北京三聯生活書店曾誠副總編輯和中央美院何浩 教授訪問了澳大圖書館。 On 23 Mar 2023, Director Gan Qi and Acquisition Editor Ye Minlei of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zeng Cheng of Beijing Sanlian Life Bookstore, and Professor He Hao from the Central Academy of Fine Arts visited the UM Library. 2022年10月17日,菲律賓駐澳門總領事博飛·瑪友先生及文化專 員克莉絲汀·龐阿尼班女士參訪澳門大學圖書館,並送《勝利與人 性:菲律賓五百年慶典(2021 年)》一書給澳門大學圖書館。 The Philippines Consulate General (Macao SAR) Mr Porfirio M. Mayo Jr, and Cultural Attaché Ms Christine A. Espayos, visited UM Library on 17 October 2022, and presented the book Victory and Humanity: The 2021 Quincentennial Commemorations in the Philippines. 2022年9月22日,重慶市文旅委秦定波副主任、重慶市武隆區劉高永常務副 區長、重慶市文化和旅遊發展委員會國際處(港澳臺辦)程序處長、重慶圖 書館任競館長和重慶市文化和旅遊發展委員會國際處(港澳臺辦)楊輝等參 觀了澳大展館、澳大圖書館以及古籍館、手稿坊等。 On 22 September 2022, Qin Dingbo, the Deputy Director of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism, Liu Gaoyong, the Executive Deputy Mayor of Chongqing Wulong District, Cheng Xu, the Director of the International Office (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office) of the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Committee, Ren Jing, the Director of Chongqing Library, and Yang Hui from the International Office of Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Committee (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office) visited the UM Gallery, the UM Library, the Rare Book Collection room, the Manuscript Corner. Guest visit page 2023
NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 社 區 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 由文化局、教育及青年發展局、澳門 大學圖書館以及澳門圖書館暨資訊管 理協會聯合主辦之2023年“澳門圖書 館周”於2023年4月15日至5月14日期 間舉行,藉着這個“與眾同讀”的日 子,享受閱讀,共同推動城市閱讀風 氣,攜手共建閱讀之城。 圖書館周校園活動花絮 UM Library Activity Clips in the Macau Library Week Community page The 2023 Macau Library Week, jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Education and Youth Development Bureau, the University of Macau Library and the Macao Library and Information Management Association, was held from 15 April to 14 May. On the days of "Reading with Others", we jointly promote the city's reading atmosphere, and work together to build a reading city. 2023 澳門圖書館周 2023 Macau Library Week 2023
NEWS k k k k k k LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 博 雅 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 博 雅 新 書 發 佈 博 雅 講 座 B O Y A B O O K L A U N H BOYA TALK BOYA page 2023
NEWS k k k LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 展 覽 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 展覽地點 Location :澳門大學圖書館一樓A區手稿坊 Manuscript Corner on the 1st floor (Zone A) of the UM Library 展出日期 Date : 2022.09.19 - 2022.10.17. 本次展覽為澳門大學圖書館手稿坊成立後的第四次專題展覽,合共展出 二十世紀八十年代至今圖書館所珍藏的四十五位現當代中外名人的親筆 簽名著作,包括李約瑟、基辛格、村上春樹、楊振寧、錢偉長、郭沬 若、卞之琳、白先勇、余光中、馬萬琪、文德泉、高美士、羅保等著名 的科學家、社會科學家、文學家、作家、政治學家及流行名人的作品及 簽名。為對名家著作進一步了解,展場更陳列其相關著作,供讀者在現 場挑選和借閱。 This is the forth exhibition since the establishment of the Manuscript Corner. The exhibition displays a total of 50 celebrity autographed books from the 1980s to the present, which include works and autographs by famous scientists, social scientists, writers, political scientists and popular celebrities such as Joseph Needham, Henry Kissinger, Haruki Murakami, Yang Chen-Ning, Qian Weichang, Guo Moruo, Bian Zhilin, Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai, Yu Kwang-chung, Ma Wanqi, P. Manuel Teixeira, José dos Santos Ferreira, and Pedro José Lobo. In order to provide further insight into these authors, the rest of their work is available to readers for their perusal. Exhibition page 2023
NEWS 年份 YEAR 館際互借總數 Inter-library loan+DDS 館際互借 (印刷本) ILL (Physical item) 數據分發服務 (影印本) DDS (Photocopy) 2019 1075 203 872 2020 1179 106 1073 2021 1186 165 1021 2022 842 197 645 2023.1-2023.4 347 73 274 服 務 篇 LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 澳大圖書館通訊 Service page 哈佛大學圖書館 芝加哥大學圖書館 香港大學圖書館 密西根大學圖書館 澳大利亞國立大學圖書館 大英圖書館 凱斯西儲大學 哥倫比亞大學圖書館 普林斯頓大學圖書館 首爾大學圖書館 史丹佛大學圖書館 英屬哥倫比亞大學圖書館 悉尼大學圖書館 威斯康辛大學圖書館 聖路易斯華盛頓大學圖書館 威爾斯利學院 從2020年至今, 本館上載至全球圖書 館聯合目錄WorldCat的記錄數量已 有669,460筆, 藉此本館館藏在國際 圖書館界裡增加了曝光率, 不少國際 著名高校也向本館外借文獻, 其中包 括: Harvard University Library University of Chicago Library University of Hong Kong Libraries University of Michigan Library Australian National University Library British Library Case Western Reserve University Columbia University Libraries Princeton University Library Seoul National University Library Stanford University Library University of British Columbia Library University of Sydney Library University of Wisconsin Library Washington University in St. Loui Library Wellesley College Since 2020, nearly 670,000 bibliographic records have been uploaded by UM Library to the global library union catalogue WorldCat. This increased display of the library's collection, is largely at the root of the increase in book loans by well-known universities around the world, for example: 從2019年至2023年4月, 本館館際互借的數據如下: From 2019 to April 2023, the interlibrary loan statistics of the UM library are as follows: 提升澳大圖書館館藏全球能見度 Boosting the Global Visibility of the UM Library Collection 2023
NEWS 吳建中館長連續第三次入選中國重要轉載來源作者名單 LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 館 員 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 2023年4月22日,中國人民大 學正式發布了複印報刊資料圖 情檔學科重要轉載來源作者 2022年度入選名單,共26 人。重要轉載來源作者評選從 2016年版開始,2019年版爲 第二次發布,2022年版為最新 第三版。據該評選機構統計, 圖情檔學科2016和2019兩版 連續入選者六人,吳建中館長 爲其中一位,他更於2022年版 連續第三次入選。 吳館長表示很榮幸今年第三次 繼續入選! 他展望對圖書館業 的熱情始終如一,他要做的不 僅是學問探索,而且還要肩負 起職業自信與自强的責任。 On 22 April 2023, the Renmin University of China officially released the 2022 list of authors whose works are considered important sources for the reproduction of newspapers and periodicals, with a total of 26 authors represented in the field of librarianship, information and archival sciences. The List of Authors of Important Reproduced Sources has been published since 2016. The second edition of this list was issued in 2019, while the third edition, the most recent, appeared in 2022. According to the selection committee, only six authors in the field of these sciences were listed consecutively between 2016 and 2019. Dr. Wu Jianzhong is one of those six. In the 2022 edition, Dr. Wu was again on the list for the third time. Dr. Wu expressed his pride in being on this list for the third time, coupled with his great enthusiasm for library science as always. All that he has done to date is nothing more than contributing to the deepening and self-improvement of the profession, and above all to the reinforcement of responsibility and self-confidence. University Librarian Wu Jianzhong on the List of Authors of Important Reproduced Sources in China for the Third Time 2023.4.22 Librarian page 2023
NEWS L Raymond Wong has worked at the University of Macau for nearly 36 years. During his career he has witnessed the development and continuous improvement of the university, and is particularly happy and proud to be a member of this university. One of his most memorable moments was perhaps the relocation of the university to the new campus, an event he described as "a family moving into a bigger, more beautiful house, filled with hope". He hopes the university can provide more opportunities for its faculties and staff to nurture more talent, which in turn can give back to the university. E tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 王國強副館長獲頒三十五年長期服務獎 館 員 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 A recipient of the Long Service Award for 35 Years of Service Raymond Wong Assistant Librarian of UM 2023.05.17 王國強副館長表示,在澳大工作 接近36年,親歷澳大不同時期的 轉變,見證其不斷進步,為作為 澳大人感到喜悅與自豪。多年 來,讓王國強印象最深刻的當屬 新校園搬遷,“感覺是一家人搬去 一個更大更美的家,充滿希望。” 他期望澳大未來能夠提供更多可 持續發展的機會,讓教職員發揮 潛能,共同爲澳大作出貢獻。 Librarian page 2023
NEWS 自2021年起擔任環境可持續性與圖書館專業組 常委兼資訊主任 Has been serving in the IFLA's Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section as a standing committee member and the Information Coordinator since 2021 潘雅茵 Priscilla Pun 自2023年起正式擔任圖書館協會管理專業組 常委 Serves in the IFLA's Management of Library Associations Section as a standing committee member from now on (2023) 許偉達 Wilson Hoi 自2023年起正式擔任國際圖聯知識管理 專業組常委 Serves in the IFLA's Knowledge Management Section as a standing committee member from now on (2023) 李仲明 Stephen Lei LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 我館三位主管擔任國際圖聯職務 Three UM Library Functional Heads Serve in the IFLA Positions 2023.05.24 館 員 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 Librarian page 2023
NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 附 件 澳大圖書館通訊 2022/2023學年澳門大學圖書館活動總表 UM Library Activities List in 2022/2023 Academic Year Attachment 2023
The end. Thank you!