NEWS 吳建中館長連續第三次入選中國重要轉載來源作者名單 LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 館 員 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 2023年4月22日,中國人民大 學正式發布了複印報刊資料圖 情檔學科重要轉載來源作者 2022年度入選名單,共26 人。重要轉載來源作者評選從 2016年版開始,2019年版爲 第二次發布,2022年版為最新 第三版。據該評選機構統計, 圖情檔學科2016和2019兩版 連續入選者六人,吳建中館長 爲其中一位,他更於2022年版 連續第三次入選。 吳館長表示很榮幸今年第三次 繼續入選! 他展望對圖書館業 的熱情始終如一,他要做的不 僅是學問探索,而且還要肩負 起職業自信與自强的責任。 On 22 April 2023, the Renmin University of China officially released the 2022 list of authors whose works are considered important sources for the reproduction of newspapers and periodicals, with a total of 26 authors represented in the field of librarianship, information and archival sciences. The List of Authors of Important Reproduced Sources has been published since 2016. The second edition of this list was issued in 2019, while the third edition, the most recent, appeared in 2022. According to the selection committee, only six authors in the field of these sciences were listed consecutively between 2016 and 2019. Dr. Wu Jianzhong is one of those six. In the 2022 edition, Dr. Wu was again on the list for the third time. Dr. Wu expressed his pride in being on this list for the third time, coupled with his great enthusiasm for library science as always. All that he has done to date is nothing more than contributing to the deepening and self-improvement of the profession, and above all to the reinforcement of responsibility and self-confidence. University Librarian Wu Jianzhong on the List of Authors of Important Reproduced Sources in China for the Third Time 2023.4.22 Librarian page 2023