NEWS L Raymond Wong has worked at the University of Macau for nearly 36 years. During his career he has witnessed the development and continuous improvement of the university, and is particularly happy and proud to be a member of this university. One of his most memorable moments was perhaps the relocation of the university to the new campus, an event he described as "a family moving into a bigger, more beautiful house, filled with hope". He hopes the university can provide more opportunities for its faculties and staff to nurture more talent, which in turn can give back to the university. E tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 王國強副館長獲頒三十五年長期服務獎 館 員 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 A recipient of the Long Service Award for 35 Years of Service Raymond Wong Assistant Librarian of UM 2023.05.17 王國強副館長表示,在澳大工作 接近36年,親歷澳大不同時期的 轉變,見證其不斷進步,為作為 澳大人感到喜悅與自豪。多年 來,讓王國強印象最深刻的當屬 新校園搬遷,“感覺是一家人搬去 一個更大更美的家,充滿希望。” 他期望澳大未來能夠提供更多可 持續發展的機會,讓教職員發揮 潛能,共同爲澳大作出貢獻。 Librarian page 2023