NEWS 自2021年起擔任環境可持續性與圖書館專業組 常委兼資訊主任 Has been serving in the IFLA's Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section as a standing committee member and the Information Coordinator since 2021 潘雅茵 Priscilla Pun 自2023年起正式擔任圖書館協會管理專業組 常委 Serves in the IFLA's Management of Library Associations Section as a standing committee member from now on (2023) 許偉達 Wilson Hoi 自2023年起正式擔任國際圖聯知識管理 專業組常委 Serves in the IFLA's Knowledge Management Section as a standing committee member from now on (2023) 李仲明 Stephen Lei LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 我館三位主管擔任國際圖聯職務 Three UM Library Functional Heads Serve in the IFLA Positions 2023.05.24 館 員 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 Librarian page 2023