NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 會 議 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 澳門高校圖書館聯盟召開第十九次聯席會議 Macau Academic Library Alliance Held the 19th Joint Meeting (2022.12.06) 澳門高校圖書館聯盟(MALA)在2022年 12月6日於澳門大學大學展館召開第十 九次聯席會議,共有8間院校17名代表 列席會議,包括:澳門大學圖書館長吳 建中﹑副館長王國強﹑助理館長梁德海 ﹑事務主管潘雅茵﹑事務主管許偉達 (聯盟秘書及會議匯報主持);澳門理 工大學圖書館館長劉曼玲﹑職務主管胡 逸彪;澳門科技大學圖書館館長趙洗塵 ﹑副館長楊迅淩;澳門城市大學圖書館 館長師麗梅(是次聯盟主席)﹑行政主 任陳艷偉;澳門旅遊學院圖書館館長李 嘉汶(新任聯盟主席);澳門聖若瑟大 學圖書館館長陳安怡;澳門鏡湖護理學 院圖書館負責人王玉玗;澳門管理學院 行政主任卓瑩瑩;澳門圖書館暨資訊管 理協會秘書劉凱欣;教育及青年發展局 高教合作交流處技術員梁麗娟列席。 澳門高校圖書館聯盟自2014年成立以 來,在教育及青年發展局支持下,聯盟 購置了不同類型的科研及專利分析工 具、電子資料庫等學術資源供本澳高校 師生使用;聯盟推出了館際互借服務及 “澳門文獻港”等一系列資源共用服務。 師生可透過“澳門文獻港”平台,一站式 查到各高校的圖書文獻資源。各會員館 期待在新的一年裡,聯盟的各項服務有 進一步的發展和提升。 The Macau Academic Library Alliance (MALA) held its 19th joint meeting at the University Gallery of the University of Macao on 6 December 2022. A total of 17 representatives from 8 institutions attended the meeting, namely: University of Macao, Dr Wu Jianzhong (University Librarian), Dr Raymond Wong (Associate University Librarian), Mr Billy Leung (Associate University Librarian), Ms Priscilla Pun (Functional Head), and Mr Wilson Hoi (Functional Head, the secretariat of the Alliance, and the host of the meeting); Polytechnic University of Macao, Ms Inês Lau (Library Director), and Mr Wu Iat Pio (Functional Head); Macao University of Science and Technology, Ms Zhao Xichen (University Librarian), and Mr Yang Xunling (Associate University Librarian); City University of Macao, Ms Shi Li Mei (Director, Chair of the Alliance), and Ms Vivian Chen (Administrative Officer); Macao Institute for Tourism Studies Library, Ms Carmen Lei (Librarian, and new Chair of the Alliance); University of Saint Joseph, Ms Emily Chan (Library Director); Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macao, Ms Sarah Wong (Librarian); Macau Library and Information Management Association, Ms Lau (Secretary); Division of Tertiary Educational Cooperation and Exchange of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Mr Leong Lai Kun. Since the establishment of MALA in 2014, the Alliance has purchased, with the support of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, different types of scientific research and patent analysis tools, electronic databases and other academic resources for teachers and students of Macao universities, and launched a series of resource-sharing services, such as the interlibrary loan service and MALA Hub. The MALA Hub platform made it possible for users to find resources from various universities with a one-stop. Because of the success of these initiatives success, Alliance members now look forward to future developments and improvements in the various services in the coming year. Conference page 2023