NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 會 議 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 粵科圖(信息所)與澳門大學簽署戰略合作協定 Guangdong Province Science and Technology Library Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the University of Macau (2023.3.3) 3月3日,廣東省科技圖書館(廣東省 科學院信息研究所)(以下簡稱粵科 圖(信息所))與澳門大學簽署智慧 財產權信息公共服務戰略合作框架協 定。省科學院合作促進部主任鄭新、 澳門大學圖書館助理圖書館館長梁德 海、粵科圖(信息所)館(所)長裘 鋼等出席簽約活動。 簽約儀式上,鄭新指出,本次簽約是 貫徹落實粵港澳大灣區發展戰略的具 體行動,省科學院及粵科圖(信息 所)將協同澳門大學發揮各自優勢, 協同推進智慧財產權信息公共服務體 系建設,為粵港澳大灣區打造國際科 技創新高地做出應有貢獻。裘鋼表 示,本次簽約打通新時期雙方全方位 多領域合作管道,有助於深化粵澳科 技創新合作交流,以智慧財產權高水 準保護與高品質運用賦能粵港澳大灣 區創新發展。 澳門大學圖書館館長吳建中視頻表 示,協定的簽署標誌著雙方建立長期 穩定的戰略合作關係,有助於充分發 揮雙方優勢,深化合作領域、促進共 同發展,推動融入粵港澳大灣區科技 創新全鏈條,共同提升智慧財產權及 科技服務水準。澳門大學圖書館助理 館長梁德海表示,期待雙方在智慧財 產權信息公共服務多領域合作做出積 極有益嘗試,面向社會公眾和創新主 體提供智慧財產權全方位支援服務。 根據協定,雙方將秉承服務大局、協 同創新、合作共贏原則,在信息資源 建設、智慧財產權信息公共服務體系 建設、智慧財產權服務及科技智庫服 務、人才培養及學習交流等領域展開 合作,共同推動國家智慧財產權信息 公共服務體系建設。 澳門大學研究服務及知識轉移辦公室 智慧財產權事務主任吳雯、圖書館事 務主管楊迅淩等,省科學院合作促進 部、粵科圖(信息所)有關部門負責 人參加簽約活動,並開展座談交流。 On March 3, the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Library and the University of Macau signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on intellectual property information public services. Director Zheng Xin of the Cooperation Promotion Department of Provincial Academy of Sciences, Assistant University Librarian Billy Leung of the University of Macau Library, and Director Qiu Gang of the Guangdong Science and Technology Library attended the signing ceremony. At the signing ceremony, Zheng Xin pointed out that this agreement would be a concrete action to implement the development strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Provincial Academy of Sciences and Guangdong Province Science and Technology Library would cooperate with the University of Macau to give full play to their respective advantages, jointly promote the construction of a public service system for intellectual property information, and make contributions to the creation of an international technological innovation highland in the Greater Bay Area. Qiu Gang stated that this agreement would open up all-round and multifield cooperation channels between the two parties in the new era, which would help deepen cooperation and exchanges in science and technology innovation between Guangdong and Macao, and empower the innovation and development of the Greater Bay Area with high-level protection and high-quality use of intellectual property rights. Wu Jianzhong, University Librarian of the University of Macau, said in a video that the signing of the agreement marked the establishment of a long-term and stable strategic cooperative relationship between the two parties, which would help to give full play to the advantages of both parties, deepen cooperation areas, promote common development, promote integration into the entire chain of technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area, and jointly improve the level of intellectual property and technological services. Billy Leung, Assistant University Librarian of the University of Macau, said that he expected the two parties to make positive and beneficial attempts in cooperation in multiple fields of intellectual property information public services, and provide comprehensive support services for intellectual property rights to the public and individuals. According to the agreement, the two parties will uphold the principles of collaborative innovation and win-win cooperation. By cooperating in the fields of information resources construction, intellectual property information public service system construction, intellectual property services and technology think tank services, talent training and learning exchanges, etc., the parties will jointly accomplished the construction of the national intellectual property information public service system. Related personnel from the Cooperation Promotion Department of the Provincial Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Library and the University of Macau participated in the signing ceremony and discussions. Participants from the University of Macau included Wen Wu, Functional Head of Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization Affairs of the Research Service and Knowledge Transfer Office, and Yang Xunling, Functional Head of Public Access and Reference Unit of the University Library, etc. Conference page 2023