NEWS The Museum of Art of the University of Macao officially opened on 16 May 2023. The 60 pieces currently on display include artwork from the museum’s collection, as well as works created by faculty members and other university staff. The opening ceremony was attended by Ao Leong U, Secretary for Special Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR, Tian Xiaoping, Deputy Head of the Publicity and Culture Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR, Lam Kam Seng, Chairman of the Council of the University of Macau. Yonghua Song, Rector of the University of Macao, was also present and expressed his full support for the creation of this museum. In his speech, Rector Yonghua Song stated that the Museum of Art will also regularly display the academic achievements of the UM Department of Arts and Design, as well as integrate artistic outreach activities, providing a platform for faculty members, students, and residents to showcase and exchange ideas on artistic creations. The Art Museum is located in Zone C on the first and second floors of the Wu Yee Sun Library of the University of Macau. The museum's exhibitions are open to the public from 10 AM to 7 PM throughout the week. 澳大藝術博物館於2023年5月16日正式開幕,並舉 辦館藏展暨教職員藝術作品展,展出近60件作品。 開幕儀式由澳門特別行政區政府社會文化司司長歐 陽瑜、中聯辦宣傳文化部副部長田小平、澳大校董 會主席林金城和澳大校長宋永華主持。 宋永華致辭時表示,澳大藝術博物館具有收藏、展 覽、教學和交流的功能,未來將定期展出相關教學 成果,開展藝術普及活動,既服務於大學的人才培 養和學科發展,也為在校師生和澳門市民提供藝術 創作展示與交流的平台。這一藝術空間無疑為澳大 培養藝術人才創造了更好的藝術環境,還有助於提 升澳門市民的藝術修養和審美趣味。 澳門大學藝術博物館開幕 UM Museum of Art Officially Opened 2023.05.16 LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 開 幕 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 澳大藝術博物館位於澳大伍 宜孫圖書館C區一樓和二 樓。館藏展暨教職員藝術作 品展免費開放,時間為周一 至周日10:00-19:00,展期 至7月31日。 -- 澳大藝術博物館網站鏈接 UM Museum of Art Website Link -- Opening page 2023