library Newsletter 11

NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 來 訪 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 2023年5月17日,廣州大典研究中心到訪澳門大學圖書 館,了解澳門大學圖書館古籍文獻檔案收藏情況,洽商進 一步合作事宜。 On 17 May 2023, experts from Guangzhou Dadian Research Centre visited the UM Library to learn about the existing collection of rare books and archives and discuss future cooperation. 2023年5月4日,橫琴粵澳深度合作區民生事務局的馮方丹副局 長率領一行參觀了澳門大學展館和圖書館。期間,與澳門大學 圖書館進行了座談交流,討論雙方的合作事項。 On 4 May 2023, Feng Fangdan, Deputy Director of the Civil Services Bureau of Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and his team visited the Gallery and Library of the University of Macau. During this visit, a meeting was held to discuss co-operation between the two sides. 2023年3月23日,香港中文大學出版社甘琦社長、编辑部葉 敏磊主任、北京三聯生活書店曾誠副總編輯和中央美院何浩 教授訪問了澳大圖書館。 On 23 Mar 2023, Director Gan Qi and Acquisition Editor Ye Minlei of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zeng Cheng of Beijing Sanlian Life Bookstore, and Professor He Hao from the Central Academy of Fine Arts visited the UM Library. 2022年10月17日,菲律賓駐澳門總領事博飛·瑪友先生及文化專 員克莉絲汀·龐阿尼班女士參訪澳門大學圖書館,並送《勝利與人 性:菲律賓五百年慶典(2021 年)》一書給澳門大學圖書館。 The Philippines Consulate General (Macao SAR) Mr Porfirio M. Mayo Jr, and Cultural Attaché Ms Christine A. Espayos, visited UM Library on 17 October 2022, and presented the book Victory and Humanity: The 2021 Quincentennial Commemorations in the Philippines. 2022年9月22日,重慶市文旅委秦定波副主任、重慶市武隆區劉高永常務副 區長、重慶市文化和旅遊發展委員會國際處(港澳臺辦)程序處長、重慶圖 書館任競館長和重慶市文化和旅遊發展委員會國際處(港澳臺辦)楊輝等參 觀了澳大展館、澳大圖書館以及古籍館、手稿坊等。 On 22 September 2022, Qin Dingbo, the Deputy Director of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism, Liu Gaoyong, the Executive Deputy Mayor of Chongqing Wulong District, Cheng Xu, the Director of the International Office (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office) of the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Committee, Ren Jing, the Director of Chongqing Library, and Yang Hui from the International Office of Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Committee (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office) visited the UM Gallery, the UM Library, the Rare Book Collection room, the Manuscript Corner. Guest visit page 2023