NEWS LE tter MAY 2023 UM Library Vol.11 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD TECHNICAL PROCESS UNIT 社 區 篇 澳大圖書館通訊 由文化局、教育及青年發展局、澳門 大學圖書館以及澳門圖書館暨資訊管 理協會聯合主辦之2023年“澳門圖書 館周”於2023年4月15日至5月14日期 間舉行,藉着這個“與眾同讀”的日 子,享受閱讀,共同推動城市閱讀風 氣,攜手共建閱讀之城。 圖書館周校園活動花絮 UM Library Activity Clips in the Macau Library Week Community page The 2023 Macau Library Week, jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Education and Youth Development Bureau, the University of Macau Library and the Macao Library and Information Management Association, was held from 15 April to 14 May. On the days of "Reading with Others", we jointly promote the city's reading atmosphere, and work together to build a reading city. 2023 澳門圖書館周 2023 Macau Library Week 2023