UM IBRARY EWSLETTER 2023/2024 ACADEMIC YEAR Volume 12聚焦跨域合作.攜手並共建共贏 Focus on Cross Collaboration Together Construct a Win-Win World March 2024 Newsletter webpage L N
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 來 訪 篇 Guest visit page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 1 中國科學院文獻情報中心李猛力書記一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 MR. LI MENGLI AND THE DELEGATION FROM THE NATIONAL SCIENCE LIBRARY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (NSLC) VISIT THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.06.16) 2023年6月15日下午,中國科學院文獻情報中心李猛力書記、科技管理處韓濤處長、文獻服務部翁彥琴副主任訪問了澳 門大學圖書館。澳門大學圖書館介紹了該館機構知識庫建設、專利服務,以及積極參與國際圖書館專業合作的經驗。雙 方進行了深入交流,並提出加強互訪,開展進一步的交流與合作。 On the afternoon of June 15, 2023, Mr. Li Mengli, the Secretary of the Party Committee of NSLC, Mr. Han Tao, the Director of the Science and Technology Management Department, and Mrs. Weng Yanqin, the Deputy Director of the Information Servicing Department visited the University of Macau Library. The University of Macau Library introduced their institutional repository construction, patent services, and active participation in international library professional cooperation. After in-depth discussions, the both sides proposed to strengthen mutual visits and further carry out exchanges and cooperation. 杭州圖書館劉冬館長一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 DIRECTOR LIU DONG OF HANGZHOU LIBRARY AND HIS DELEGATION VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.07.06) 2023年6月28日上午,杭州圖書館劉冬館長、該館研究 與交流部朱峻薇主任、張蔚然館員、人力資源部朱天民 主任訪問澳門大學圖書館,並簽訂杭州圖書館與澳門 大學圖書館合作協議。澳門大學圖書館介紹了該館的 特色館藏與服務,並分享該館積極參與國際圖書館專 業合作的經驗。 In the morning of 28 June 2023, Liu Dong (Library Director of the Hangzhou Library), Zhu Junwei (Head of the Research and Communication Department of the Hangzhou Library), Zhang Weiran (Hangzhou Library), Zhu Tianmin (Head of the Human Resources Department of the Hangzhou Library) visited the University of Macau Library, and a cooperation agreement was signed between the Hangzhou Library and the University of Macau Library. During the visit, the UM Library introduced its special collections and services, and shared its experience in actively participating in international library professional cooperation.
2 武漢大學信息管理學院一行訪問 澳門大學圖書館 A DELEGATION FROM THE SCHOOL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.07.11) 7月7日,武漢大學信息管理學院傅興榮黨委書記 率團訪問澳門大學圖書館,獲圖書館吳建中館長 等熱情接待。雙方就深化交流、拓展合作、人才 培養、擴大資訊互通、促進學術支撐服務等議題 進行深入的探討和分享,雙方均冀望可以加強合 作,互利共贏,共同推動兩地高校圖書館服務質 量和專業人才培養的發展。 On July 7, Fu Xingrong, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Information Management of Wuhan University, led a delegation to visit the University of Macau Library, and was warmly received by the Librarian, Wu Jianzhong. The two parties conducted in-depth discussions and sharing on various topics such as deepening exchanges and cooperation, personnel training, expanding information connection, and promoting academic support services. Both parties hoped to strengthen cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and also promote the development of service quality and professional talent training of university libraries together. 清華大學圖書館蔣耘中書記一行訪問 澳門大學圖書館 PARTY SECRETARY JIANG YUNZHONG OF TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND HIS DELEGATION VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.07.27) 2023年7月25日上午,清華大學圖書館書記蔣耘中、副館長竇天芳、信息技術部館員趙楊、趙尚一行四人訪問澳門大學圖書 館。雙方就館藏建设、信息化建设及创新服务等多方面議題進行了深入的交流。 On July 25, Party Secretary Jiang Yunzhong of Tsinghua University Library, Deputy Director Dou Tianfang of Tsinghua University Library, Zhao Yang and Zhao Shang of the Information Technology Department, visited the University of Macau Library. The two parties also conducted in-depth exchanges on various issues such as collection construction, information construction and innovative services. 浙江大學圖書館樓含松館長 一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 LIBRARY DIRECTOR LOU HANSONG OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND HIS DELEGATION VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.08.04) 2023年8月2日上午,浙江大學圖書館館長樓含松教授、副館長余敏杰、綜合辦公室主任何曉薇、推廣合作部主任范晨曉、人 事主管郭全珍一行五人訪問澳門大學圖書館,並簽訂浙江大學圖書館與澳門大學圖書館合作協議。 On August 2, Library Director Professor Lou Hansong of Zhejiang University Library, Deputy Director Yu Minjie, Head of the General Office He Xiaowei, Officer Fan Chenxiao of the Promotion and Cooperation Department, and Head of Personnel Guo Quanzhen visited the University of Macau Library and signed a cooperation agreement. NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 來 訪 篇 Guest visit page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 來 訪 篇 Guest visit page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 3 橫琴粵澳深度合作區行政事務局與珠海市檔案館一行 訪問澳門大學檔案館 A DELEGATION FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS BUREAU OF THE HENGQIN GUANGDONG-MACAO DEEP COOPERATION ZONE AND THE ZHUHAI ARCHIVES VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU ARCHIVES (2023.09.21) 橫琴粵澳深度合作區行政事務局副局長張 立剛﹑珠海市檔案館館長拜燕一行于 2023年9月7日上午來訪澳門大學。張立剛 副局長表示感謝澳大一直以來對橫琴粵澳 深度合作區的支持,希望通過是次參訪加 强交流與合作,促進雙方的共同發展。吳 建中館長、拜燕館長以及雙方主管就檔案 館和圖書館工作、信息化管理﹑學者庫建 設以及服務創新等議題進行了深入交流。 會後一行人參觀了大學展館﹑藝術博物館﹑ 古籍館﹑澳大人文庫﹑手稿坊及檔案館。 Zhang Ligang, Deputy Director of the Administrative Affairs Bureau of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, and Bai Yan, Director of Zhuhai Archives, visited the University of Macau on September 7, 2023. Zhang Ligang expressed his gratitude to UM for its continued support to the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, and hoped to strengthen exchanges and cooperation through this visit, so as to promote the mutual development of both parties. Wu Jianzhong, Bai Yan, and heads from both parties had in-depth exchanges on issues such as archives and library work, information management, scholars page construction, and service innovation. After the meeting, the guests visited the UM Gallery, Museum of Arts, Rare Books Collection, UM Scholars Collection, Manuscript Corner and the UM Archives.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 來 訪 篇 Guest visit page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 4 上海圖書館陳超館長一行 訪問澳門大學圖書館 DIRECTOR CHEN CHAO OF SHANGHAI LIBRARY AND HIS DELEGATION VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.12.18) 上海圖書館陳超館長率團訪問澳門大學,瞭解澳大圖書館的最新發展和“上海之窗”項目運行情況,雙方期望未來兩館之間加 強交流合作。雙方進行座談交流。吳建中高度讚賞上海圖書館這些年來對澳大圖書館的關心和支持,並期待今後繼續得到上海 圖書館指導。陳超館長介紹了上海圖書館近期創新發展情況,並期望雙方在知識服務、文獻傳遞、教育培訓等方面深化合作。 Chen Chao, Director of the Shanghai Library, led a delegation to visit the University of Macau to learn about the latest developments of the University of Macau Library and the current operation of the “Window of Shanghai” project. Both parties hoped to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two libraries in the future. The two parties had discussions and exchanges. Wu Jianzhong highly appreciated the Shanghai Library’s support to the UM Library over the years, and looked forward to continuing to receive guidance from the Shanghai Library in the future. Chen Chao introduced recent innovative developments of the Shanghai Library and expected the two parties to deepen cooperation in knowledge services, document delivery, education and training, etc. 兩位巴西圖書館員參訪澳門大學圖書館 TWO BRAZILIAN LIBRARIANS VISIT THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2024.01.19) 2023年12月4日,澳門大學圖書館迎來了兩位來自巴西的圖書館員Antónia Memória和 Esmeralda Silveira,以及澳門聖若瑟大學的Camila Macêdo老師。在訪問期間,雙方 就圖書館事業發展的想法和經驗進行了交流。 On the Fourth of December of 2023, the University of Macau Library had a pleasant visit of two librarians from Brazil, Ms Antónia Memória and Ms Esmeralda Silveira, accompanied by Ms Camila Macêdo, lecturer at the University of St Joseph of Macao. During the visit, interesting ideas and experiences related to librarianship were exchanged. 深合區行政事務局訪問澳門大學圖書館 ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS BUREAU OF GUANGDONG-MACAO IN-DEPTH COOPERATION ZONE IN HENGQIN VISITS THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2024.01.24) 2024年1月16日,廣東省委橫琴工委副書記李軍曉、橫琴粵澳深度合作區行政事務局副局長張文驥 率領深合區行政事務局一行訪問澳門大學圖書館。雙方同意就展廳建設開展深入合作與交流,更 好地展示“一國兩制”的澳門實踐,為澳門回歸25週年獻禮。 On 16 January 2024, Li Junxiao, Deputy Secretary of the Hengqin Working Committee of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and Zhang Wenji, Deputy Director of the Administrative Affairs Bureau of the Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, led a delegation to visit the University of Macau Library. Both parties agreed to carry out in-depth cooperation and exchanges on the construction of the exhibition hall to better demonstrate the practice of "one country, two systems" in Macao and to contribute to celebration of the 25th anniversary of Macao’s handover.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 展 覽 篇 Exhibition page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 5 2023教科書及學術書展 2023 TEXTBOOK AND ACADEMIC BOOK FAIR (2023.08.17) 2023教科書及學術書展於2023年8月16日在澳門大學圖書館開幕,書展由澳門大學 圖書館與澳門文化廣場合辦,旨在推廣學術出版物,促進本地學術交流,讓學生更便 捷地了解並獲取著名出版社的最新教科書及學術書。 The 2023 Textbook and Academic Book Fair was held at the University of Macau Library on 16 August 2023. The book fair was co-organized by the University of Macau Library and the Plaza Cultural Macau. It aimed to promote academic publications, encourage local academic exchanges, and make acquiring latest textbooks and academic books from renowned publishers easier for students. the Shanghai Library’s support to the UM Library over the years, and looked forward to continuing to receive guidance from the Shanghai Library in the future. Chen Chao introduced recent innovative developments of the Shanghai Library and expected the two parties to deepen cooperation in knowledge services, document delivery, education and training, etc. 澳大圖書館舉辦巴西文學家 馬爾科・盧凱西文學作品展 UM LIBRARY HOLDS AN EXHIBITION OF LITERARY WORKS BY BRAZILIAN WRITER MARCO LUCCHESI (2023.09.21) 2023年9月20日下午,澳大圖書館舉行巴西文學家馬爾科・盧凱西文學作品展開幕儀式。 本次展覽採用虛實混合的形式,展出馬爾科・盧凱西的文學作品及評論和摘要。讀者不僅 可以閱讀館藏實體作品,而且可以通過掃碼訪問電子及數位元形式的作品。 In the afternoon of 20 September 2023, the UM Library held an opening ceremony for an exhibition of literary works by Brazilian writer Marco Lucchesi. This exhibition adopted a virtual and real mixed display method, displaying Lucchesi’s literary works, reviews and abstracts. Visitors can read Lucchesi’s physical works in the collection, and also access electronic and digital works by scanning QR codes. 圖書館消息: 澳大圖書館舉辦 澳門格蘭披治大賽車文獻主題展覽 LIBRARY NEWS: MACAU GRAND PRIX DOCUMENTARY THEMED EXHIBITION (2023.11.08) 「澳門格蘭披治大賽車文獻主題展覽」於2023年11月8日至11月 19日在圖書館大堂展出。展覽內容為歷屆海報、圖書、特刊、門票 及紀念品等。 LIBRARY NEWS: MACAU GRAND PRIX DOCUMENTARY THEMED EXHIBITION The UM Library holds the “Macau Grand Prix Documentary Themed Exhibition” at the Library lobby from 8 -19 November, 2023. This exhibition displays about past posters, books, special issues, tickets and souvenirs, etc.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 會 議 篇 Conference page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 6 澳門大學圖書館兩名主管參與 2023年度世界圖書館和信息大會 (WLIC) TWO STAFF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY PARTICIPATED IN THE 2023 WORLD LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CONGRESS (WLIC) (2023.09.04) 由國際圖書館協會和機構聯合會(IFLA)主辦第88屆的2023年度世界圖書館和 信息大會於8月21日至25日在荷蘭鹿特丹舉行,世界各國和地區超過三千名圖書 館專業人員出席。澳大圖書館梁德海助理館長和潘雅茵職務主管出席了會議,他 們分別參加專業工作會議,潘雅茵並參與全球最佳綠色圖書館的評審工作,她所 屬的專業工作組獲大會授予國際圖聯最具活力專業組和影響力全面成就獎。另 外,澳大圖書館的宣傳海報在大會海報展覽中展示,使全球業界加深了對澳大圖 書館的認識和了解。這次會議提供了與世界圖書館聯繫和合作的機會,讓參與者 吸收優秀圖書館的管理經驗及相互交流,激發並提升專業管理與最佳實踐。 The 88th World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) 2023, hosted by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), was held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from 21 to 25 August 2023. More than 3,000 library professionals from various countries and regions around the world attended. Assistant Librarian Billy Leung and Functional Head Priscilla Pun of the UM Library attended the meeting. They participated in professional work meetings respectively, while Ms Pun also participated in the evaluation of the world’s Best Green Library Award at IFLA. The professional section she belonged to was awarded the IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Awards-- Overall Achievement. In addition, a promotional poster of the UM library was displayed in the poster session of the Congress, which had deepened the knowledge and understanding of the UM library in the global library industry. This conference provided an opportunity to connect and cooperate with libraries around the world, allowing participants to absorb the management experience of excellent libraries, communicate with each other, inspire and enhance professional management and best practices. 澳門大學舉辦 “澳門特別行政區與內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟”理事會 年度會議暨圖書館學術研討會 THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU HELD THE ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE “ACADEMIC LIBRARY ALLIANCE FOR PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE RESOURCES BETWEEN THE MACAO SAR AND THE MAINLAND OF CHINA” AND A LIBRARY ACADEMIC FORUM (2023.10.20) 2023年3月17至19日,澳門大學舉辦“澳門特別行政區與內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟”理事會年度會議暨圖書館學術研討 會,邀請來自中國內地、澳門特別行政區和其他葡語國家的高校圖書館館長,就葡語文獻資源建設等議題進行探討和交流。 March 17-19,2023, the University of Macau had held the “Academic Library Alliance for Portuguese Language Resources between the Macao SAR and the Mainland of China” annual council meeting and library academic forum, inviting university librarians from Mainland China, Macao and other Portuguese-speaking countries to discuss and exchange ideas on issues such as the construction of Portuguese resources.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 會 議 篇 Conference page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 7 《葡萄牙國王若望五世 1725至 1728 年向雍正帝遣使官方報告》及 《1749年中國、韓國和日本地理地圖》歷史文獻發佈會在澳大舉行 PRESENTATION OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY, THE “RELAÇÃO OFICIAL DA EMBAIXADA DO REI D. JOÃO V DE PORTUGAL AO IMPERADOR YONGZHENG EM 1725-1728”, AND THE MAP PUBLISHED IN 1749 “CARTE GENERAL DE LA TARTARIE CHINOISE ET DE ROJAUMES DE CORÉE ET DE IAPAN” (2024.01.17) 澳門大學圖書館於2024年1月11日舉行了《葡萄牙國王若望五世 1725至 1728 年向雍正帝遣使官方報告》手稿圖書出版及 《1749年中國、韓國和日本地理地圖》入藏儀式。 On 11 January 2024, the University of Macau presented the manuscript publication “Relação Oficial da Embaixada do Rei D. João V de Portugal ao Imperador Yongzheng em 1725-1728”, and a map published in 1749, named Carte Generale de la Tatarie Chinoise et des Rojaumes de Corée et de Iapan”, [General Map of Chinese Tataria and the Kingdoms of Korea and Japan], at the Rarebook Collection Room of the University Library. 劍橋圖書館館長日論壇在澳大舉行 CAMBRIDGE LIBRARIANS’ DAY FORUM HELD AT UM (2024.03.06) 由澳門大學圖書館和劍橋大學出版社聯合主辦的第十屆“劍橋圖書館館長日”論壇在澳大圖書館順利舉行。是次論壇主題 為“未來研究與學習:影響力、用戶支持與AI機遇”,論壇匯聚多地與會者探討如何通過提升影響力、支持用戶、在人工智 能領域尋找機遇,以滿足未來研究者和學習者的需求。來自新加坡、日本、韓國、菲律賓、中國內地、香港、台灣等地70多 位圖書館館長和專家就圖書館發展等議題進行探討。 The 10th Cambridge Librarians’ Day Forum, jointly organised by the University of Macau Library and Cambridge University Press, was held at the University of Macau (UM). The theme of the forum was ‘The Future of Research and Learning: Influence, User Support, and Opportunities in AI’. During the forum, attendees from various places explored how to meet the needs of future researchers and learners by increasing influence, supporting users, and identifying opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence. The event brought together more than 70 librarians and experts from Singapore, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan regions to discuss library development and other topics.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 開幕 & 儀式 篇 Opening&ceremony page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 8 重慶之窗”暨“這就是中國味道”展在澳大開幕 OPENING OF THE “WINDOW OF CHONGQING” AND “THIS IS THE TASTE OF CHINA” EXHIBITIONS AT UM (2023.09.22) 澳門大學圖書館數碼學術空間開張暨 數碼學術對大學的幫助與影響工作坊 OPENING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP SPACE AND “WORKSHOP OF DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP: ASSISTANCE & INFLUENCE OF DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP” WAS SUCCESSFULLY HELD (2023.10.20) In the afternoon of 22 September 2023, the “Window of Chongqing” and “This is the Taste of China” exhibitions opened at the UM Library.“Window of Chongqing” is a foreign cultural exchange project of the Chongqing Library, aiming to publicize and promote Chongqing's unique customs, history and culture. So far, "Window of Chongqing" has been established in 7 universities and public libraries overseas. This event was held by the Chongqing Library for the first time in Macao, and more than 200 donated new books were displayed at the exhibition. The "This is the Taste of China" exhibition tells the story of China through six kinds of Chinese cuisine from the east, west, south, and north of China, and introduce Chinese traditional culture from the aspects of food, cooking methods, aesthetics and literature. Iapan”, [General Map of Chinese Tataria and the Kingdoms of Korea and Japan], at the Rarebook Collection Room of the University Library. 2023年9月22日下午,“重慶之窗”暨“這就是中國味道”展在澳大圖書館開 幕。“重慶之窗”是重慶圖書館的對外文化交流項目,旨在宣傳和推介重慶獨 特的風土人情和歷史文化,至今已在國(境)外7家大學和公共圖書館設立 了“重慶之窗”。此次活動由重慶圖書館首次在澳門舉辦,會上展示200多冊 捐贈的新書。“這就是中國味道”展通過從中國的東西南北6種中華美食中 講述中國故事,從飲食的烹飪方法,審美和文學上講述中國的傳統文化。 In the afternoon of 17 October 2023, the University of Macau Library held the opening ceremony for the Digital Scholarship Space. “Workshop of Digital Scholarship: Assistance & Influence of Digital Scholarship” was successfully held on the same day. Librarian Wu Jianzhong expressed in his opening speech that the Digital Scholarship Space is an important service for libraries facing new situations and demands. The University of Macau Library will actively promote in-depth cooperation with teaching and scientific research departments through the digital scholarship space services. After the talks, the speakers had in-depth exchanges and discussions with the audience, and they looked forward to the University of Macau’s Digital Scholarship Space and hoped it would play an important role in supporting and promoting cooperation in teaching and scientific research. 2023年10月17日周三下午,澳門大學圖書館隆重舉行了數碼 學術空間開幕典禮,同日成功舉辦了"數碼學術對大學的幫 助與影響"工作坊。吳建中館長在致辭中表示,數碼學術空 間是圖書館面對新形勢新需求的一項重要服務,澳門大學 圖書館將通過數碼學術空間的建立,積極推動與教學和科 研工作的深度合作。演講結束後,與會嘉賓和聽眾進行了深 入的交流和討論,共同期待澳門大學的數碼學術空間能夠 繼續發揮更大的作用,促進教學和科研工作的支持和合作。
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 開幕 & 儀式 篇 Opening&ceremony page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 9 廣東省科技圖書館與澳門大學圖書館舉行 “國家知識産權信息公共服務網點聯合服務中心”揭牌儀式 THE GUANGDONG SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY HELD THE UNVEILING CEREMONY OF THE "NATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION PUBLIC SERVICE NETWORK JOINT SERVICE CENTER" (2023.11.10) 2023年10月24日,“國家知識産權信息公共服務網點廣東省科技圖書館(廣東省 科學院信息研究所)-澳門大學 聯合服務中心”在澳門大學大學展館舉行揭牌儀 式,廣東省科技圖書館(廣東省科學院信息研究所)〔簡稱粵科圖(信息所)〕館長 (所長)裘鋼、澳門大學圖書館館長吳建中等共同爲聯合服務中心揭牌。此次揭 牌是2023年4月雙方簽署戰略合作框架協議的有效落實,期待未來在强化知識 産權信息公共服務的基礎上,聚焦决策諮詢、資源共享、人才交流等領域合作做 出積極有益嘗試,面向社會公衆和創新主體提供全方位智庫諮詢服務。 On 24 October 2023, an unveiling ceremony of the “National Intellectual Property Information Public Service Network Joint Service Center - Guangdong Science and Technology Library - University of Macau” was held at the University Gallery of the University of Macau. The Director of Guangdong Science and Technology Library (Institute of Information, Guangdong Academy of Sciences) Qiu Gang, and University Librarian of the University of Macau Wu Jianzhong, hosted the ceremony. This ceremony represented the effective implementation of the strategic cooperation framework agreement signed by the two parties in April this year. People looked forward to strengthening the public service of intellectual property information in the future, by focusing on cooperation in the fields of decision-making consultation, resource sharing, talent exchange and other areas to make positive and beneficial attempts, and providing comprehensive think tank consulting services to the public and innovative entities. “深圳之窗”落地澳門大學暨“深圳作家獲獎作品展”揭幕儀式圓滿舉辦 “WINDOW OF SHENZHEN” LAUNCHED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU AND THE OPENING CEREMONY OF “EXHIBITION OF AWARD-WINNING WORKS OF SHENZHEN WRITERS” (2023.12.01) 2023年11月28日,作爲第二十四届深圳讀書月的主推活動之一,“深圳之窗”落地澳門大學暨“深圳作家獲獎作品展”揭幕儀式在 澳門大學圖書館圓滿舉辦。深圳市領導高度重視深圳與澳門之間的文化交流。深圳是全國改革開放的前沿陣地,深圳圖書館在 事業創新和全民閱讀方面在全國圖書館界處于領先地位,作爲澳大圖書館中華文化坊的重要組成部分,“深圳之窗”將有助于澳 門廣大讀者對深圳經濟與文化高質量發展的深入瞭解,推動雙方圖書館之間的交流與合作。 On 28 November 2023, as one of the main activities of the 24th Shenzhen Reading Month, the "Window of Shenzhen" launched at the University of Macau and the opening ceremony of the "Exhibition of Award-winning Works of Shenzhen Writers" was successfully held at the University of Macau Library. Leaders of Shenzhen attach great importance to cultural exchanges between Shenzhen and Macao. that Shenzhen is the forefront of the country's reform and opening up. Shenzhen Library is in a leading position in the national library industry in terms of career innovation and reading promotion. As an important part of the Chinese Culture Corner of UM Library, the "Window of Shenzhen" will allow Macao readers gain an in-depth understanding of the high-quality development of Shenzhen's economy and culture, and promote exchanges and cooperation between the two libraries.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 開幕 & 儀式 篇 Opening&ceremony page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 10 澳大舉行賈梅士《葡國魂》評註本入藏儀式 UM HOLDS CEREMONY TO MARK ACQUISITION OF ANNOTATED EDITION OF OS LUSÍADAS DO GRANDE LUÍS DE CAMOENS (2024.03.15) 為紀念葡萄牙著名詩人及劇作家路易.德.賈梅士(Luís de Camões)誕辰500周年,澳門大學圖書館舉 行“賈梅士《葡國魂》1613年評註本入藏儀式”。是次入藏的《葡國魂》古籍版本載有被認為是賈梅士的首 本傳記。 In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of the famous Portuguese poet and playwright Luís de Camões, the University of Macau Library (UM Library) held a book presentation ceremony to mark the acquisition of the annotated edition of Os Lusíadas do Grande Luís de Camoens published in 1613. The rare book, which has been included in the collection of the UM Library, contains what is believed to be the first biography of the poet. 澳大檔案館展覽開幕 UM HOLDS EXHIBITION ON ARCHIVES LAW AND ITS ARCHIVAL WORK (2024.03.26) 澳門大學檔案館今日舉行“普及檔案法‧踐行檔案法–澳門大學檔案工作回顧與展望”展覽開幕儀式。是次展覽涵蓋現行檔案法 要點與檔案管理知識,全面回顧了自2021年檔案館成立以來的工作成果。展覽不僅展出與澳大相關的珍貴檔案,還有相關檔案 管理圖書,讓公眾從檔案的角度深入了解大學的歷史和發展。此外,澳大圖書館文獻修復工作室也於同日正式啟用。 The University of Macau (UM) Archives today (22 March) held the opening ceremony of the ‘Popularizing and Implementing the Archives Law: Retrospect and Prospect of the University of Macau’s Archival Work’ Exhibition. The exhibition encompasses the key points of the current Archives Law and knowledge of archives management. It also provides a comprehensive review of the UM Archives’ achievements since its establishment in 2021. The exhibition showcases not only valuable archives about UM, but also books on archives management, enabling the public to gain a better understanding of the university’s history and development from an archival perspective. In addition, the Conservation Space of the UM Library was officially inaugurated today.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 社 區 篇 Community page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 11 圖書館走訪住宿書院、推動服務與合作 LIBRARY VISITS RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES TO PROMOTE SERVICES AND COOPERATION (2023.08.01) 為加強圖書館對大學住宿書院的支持和服務,促進雙方進一步合作,圖書館助理 館長梁德海帶領圖書館書院聯絡人和相關事務主管,於2023年6月至7月間逐一 拜訪了全校十個住宿書院。大學圖書館致力於為大學的教學、學習和研究提供文 獻資源及其服務,並為全校各學院和住宿書院設有專屬的圖書館聯絡館員,開展 緊密的聯繫與合作。此次走訪書院的活動,加強了書院與圖書館之間的溝通與合 作。圖書館亦期待通過自身豐富的資源和服務,為學生提供更加多元和多樣化的 學習活動,以支持書院的全人教育,在提昇同學們學術能力的同時,增強他們對 大學文化和社會責任的認同。 In order to strengthen the library's support and services to the university's residential colleges and promote further cooperation, Mr. Billy Leung Tak Hoi, the Assistant University Librarian of the University Library, led the liaison librarians for Residential College and related functional heads to visit the 10 residential colleges in the university one by one from June to July 2023.The University Library is committed to provide literature resources and services for the teaching, learning and research of the University, and has dedicated library liaison librarians for all faculties and residential colleges of the University to maintain close contact and cooperation. The visit to the colleges strengthened the communication and cooperation between the colleges and the Library. The Library also looks forward to provide students with more diversified learning activities through its rich resources and services, so as to support the whole-person education of the colleges, and to enhance students' academic ability while enhancing their understanding of University culture and social responsibility. 大學圖書館迎新系列活動 ORIENTATION SERIES ACTIVITIES AT UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.08.14) 新學年!大學圖書館爲大家準備了許多豐富多彩的活動。 (1)2023教科書及學術書展 (2)圖書館迎新攤位 (3)書院 - 圖書館迎新攤位 (4)圖書館導覽培訓 (5)超過30場圖書館工作坊 (6)圖書館主題書展 Academic Year! The University Library has prepared a lot of exciting and useful activities for you to enjoy and learn from. (1)Textbook and Academic Book Fair for students (2)Library Booth for Orientation (3)Library Booth @ Residential College (4)Library Orientation Class (5)More than 30 sessions of Library Workshops (6)Thematic Book Exhibitions
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 社 區 篇 Community page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 12 澳大三本古籍入選大灣區國家珍貴古籍名錄 THREE ANCIENT BOOKS FROM UM’S COLLECTION INCLUDED IN GBA NATIONAL RARE ANCIENT BOOK DIRECTORY (2023.10.12) 澳門大學圖書館館藏三部明朝刻本古籍《新編纂註資治通鑑外紀增義》、《重校正唐文粹》及 《宗忠簡公文集》獲廣東省立中山圖書館廣東省古籍保護中心選入《粵港澳大灣區國家珍貴 古籍名錄圖錄》。三部古籍皆為明朝刻本,保存良好品相上佳,名家藏印校跋傳承,對今人在 歷史學、文獻學等研究亦有相當重要研究意義。 Three ancient books from the rare collection of the University of Macau (UM) library have been selected by the Centre for Preservation and Conservation of Ancient Books of Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province to be included in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area National Rare Ancient Book Directory. The three ancient books, all of which are block books printed in the Ming dynasty, are well preserved and in excellent condition, and are of considerable significance to the study of history and documentation science. 人文學院學生再獲殊榮 獲全國徵文大賽獎項 UM STUDENT WINS A NEW AWARD IN THE NATIONAL ESSAY WRITING CONTEST (2024.01.31) 笹川杯品書知日本徵文大賽2023”全國大賽日前公佈獲獎名單,我校人文學院本科 一年級王辰月同學榮獲二等獎,是次全國參賽大學有眾多雙一流院校參與,共1900 餘篇參賽作品,我校代表從中脫穎而出,藉此祝賀。同時澳門大學因籌備初選組織 出色,同時榮獲2023 年度“最佳組織獎”。 Wang Chenyue, a first-year student of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Macau, stood out among more than 1,900 college participants nationwide in the "2023 Sasakawa Cup Reading and Writing Essay Contest" and won the second prize. At the same time, the University of Macau also won the “Best Organization Award” in 2023 for its excellent organization of the selection competition.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 數碼 學術 工作坊 Digital Scholarship Workshop Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 13 2023年10月17日 澳門大學圖書館首次舉行了數碼學術工作坊講座,講座獲得澳大師生的喜 愛與支持,隨後截止到2024年3月31日,澳門大學圖書館已經成功舉辦了6場數碼學術工作 坊講座,澳門大學圖書館邀請有關方向的專業學者與澳大師生一起分享交流。澳大師生通過 講座學習,瞭解到了如何更好的使用數碼電子説明自己的學術以及有效的利用圖書館資源。 On October 17, 2023, the University of Macau Library held its first Digital Scholarship Workshop lecture, which was well received by the staffs and students of the UM. Subsequently, as of March 31, 2024, the UM Library has successfully held 6 Digital Scholarship Workshop lectures, in which the UM Library invited professional scholars in the relevant fields to share their views and exchange ideas with the staffs and students of the UM. Through the lectures, students and staffs of the UM have learned how to better use digital electronics to help their own academics and effectively utilize library resources. 數碼學術工作坊:數位學術對大學的幫助與影響 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Scholars Page Construction and Service Model in the University of Macau (2023.10.17) 2023年10月17日 澳大圖書館首次開設了數碼學術工作坊講座,澳大圖書 館有幸邀請了上海外國語大學圖書館蔡迎春館長;香港中文大學圖書館數 碼創新主管李智恒先生,作為該次數碼學術工作坊的講者,為我們主講名 為「數碼學術工作坊:數位學術對大學的幫助與影響」。數碼學術一直以來 都在不斷地改變著學術界的面貌,並為學術研究和知識傳播帶來了嶄新的 可能性。這個工作坊旨在探討數位工具、科技和資源如何加強學術研究, 並以實際經驗分享的方式,瞭解數碼學術對大學的影響和幫助。通過參與 這個令人期待的工作坊,參與者深入瞭解數碼學術,並探索如何應用它以 提升參與者的學術研究和成果。無論參與者是學者、圖書館專業人員,還 是對數碼學術感興趣的人,這個工作坊都對參與者有所幫助。 October 17, 2023 The University of Macau Library held its first Digital Scholarship Workshop, and was honored to have invited Ms. Cai Yingchun, Director of the Library at Shanghai International Studies University; Mr. Ryun Lee, Head of Digital Initiatives at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as the speakers of the Digital Scholarship Workshop, who gave a lecture on the topic of “Digital Scholarship Workshop: Enhancing Academia with Digital Scholarship”. Digital scholarship is continually reshaping the landscape of academia, opening up new possibilities for academic research and knowledge dissemination. This workshop aims to explore how digital tools, technologies and resources enhance academic research and provide practical insights into the impact and benefits of digital scholarship in the university environment. Through participation in this workshop, participants gained an in-depth understanding of digital scholarship and explored how it can be applied to enhance the participants' academic research and outcomes. Whether participants are scholars, library professionals, or those interested in digital scholarship, this workshop was helpful to participants.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 數碼 學術 工作坊 Digital Scholarship Workshop Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 14 數碼學術工作坊:澳門大學學者庫構建與服務模式 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Scholars Page Construction and Service Model in the University of Macau (2023.10.25) 2023年10月25日,澳門大學圖書館舉行了第二場數碼學術工 作坊,講座題目為:澳門大學學者庫構建與服務模式。本工作 坊旨在介紹學者庫的體系構建與服務模式,使教學人員能夠 充分瞭解學者庫並充分發揮其功能,以展示其的學術成就。 On October 25, 2023, the University of Macau Librariy held its second Digital Scholarship Workshop, with a lecture titled Scholars Page Construction and Service Model in the University of Macau. This workshop aims to introduce the construction and service model of the Scholar Page, so that academic staff can fully understand the Scholar Page and fully utilise its functions to showcase their academic achievements. 數碼學術工作坊:負責任的使用研究評價指標 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Responsible use of research metrics (2023.11.10) 2023年11月10日,澳大圖書館舉行了題目為:負 責任的使用研究評價指標的數碼學術工作坊,工 作坊將概述不同的研究指標,並通過當下流行的 引文資料庫和學術工具解決對負責任的指標2的 需求。 這些計量指標不僅對研究人員很重要,同 時也有概率適用於相關學術單位和整體機構的 許多工作領域。 On November 10, 2023, the University of Macau Library held a Digital Scholarship Workshop titled: Responsible use of research metrics. The workshop will give an overview of different research metrics and address the need for responsible metrics through popular citation databases and tools, which are important to the individual researchers and may also apply to many areas of the work in the related academic units and the institution as a whole.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 數碼 學術 工作坊 Digital Scholarship Workshop Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 15 數碼學術工作坊: How Transformative Agreement helps faculty publish open access papers? (2023.11.24) 2023年11月24日澳大圖書館數碼學術講座題目為:轉型中的圖書館期刊合約如何幫助教師開 放取用期刊?工作坊介紹了一些背景資訊以及在全球範圍內基於轉型中的圖書館期刊合約開 放取用期刊的現狀。工作坊提供並介紹本地區和全球的常見做法,以及對澳大學者和研究人員 的影響。 On November 124, 2023,the University of Macau Library Digital Scholarship Workshop was titled: How transformative agreement helps faculty publish open access papers? The workshop provided some background information and current status of open access publishing through transformative agreements in a global context. The workshop provided and examined the common practices in the region and worldwide and the implications for UM academics and researchers. 數碼學術工作坊: Derwent Innovation 和 incoPat 專利數據庫介紹 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Orientation for Derwent Innovation and incoPat (2023.11.29) 2023年11月29日澳大圖書館數碼學術坊的題目為:Derwent Innovation 和 incoPat 專利數 據庫介紹。此次講座採取線上線下,方便更多的澳大師生參與工作坊。用戶使用Derwent Innovation 和 incoPat能夠進行徹底的專利檢索,全面瞭解專利情況,併發現有價值的見解。 通過利用這些平臺的綜合優勢,研究人員、發明家和企業可以做出明智的決策,發現新機遇, 並在各自領域保持領先地位。 The November 29, 2023 ,the University of Macau Library Digital Scholarship Workshop was titled: Orientation for Derwent Innovation and incoPat. The talk was talked place online and offline to make it easier for more UM students and faculty to participate in the workshop. Derwent Innovation and incoPat enables users to perform thorough patent searches, gain a comprehensive understanding of patent landscapes, and uncover valuable insights. By leveraging the combined strengths of these platforms, researchers, inventors, and businesses can make informed decisions, identify new opportunities, and stay ahead in their respective fields. 數碼學術工作坊:用於數據管理和分析的 Stata 實踐 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Hands-on Training in Stata for Data Management and Analysis (2024.03.20-22) 2024年3月20日至3月22日,澳大圖書館舉行了維持2天的數碼學位工作坊,題目為用於數據管理和分析的 Stata 實踐。講者為蔡天驥教授,社會科學學院副院長。該工作坊介紹了 Stata,包括如何導入和運算元據,如 何生成和替換變數,如何處理缺失值,如何使用變數類型和轉換變數類型,以及如何合併、追加和連接不同的 資料集,如何創建匯總資料集。 From March 20 to March 22, 2024, a 2-day Digital Degree Workshop on Hands-on Training in Stata for Data Management and Analysis was held at the University of MU Library. The speaker was Prof. Tianji Cai, Associate Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences. The workshop provided an introduction to Stata, including how to import and manipulate data, how to generate and replace variables, deal with missing values, work with variable types and convert variable types, as well as merge, append, and joining different data sets, and create summarized data sets.
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 活 动 总 表 Activities List Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 16 日期 Date 活動 Event 地點 Venue 16/06/2023 中國科學院文獻情報中心李猛力書記一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 Mr. Li Mengli and the delegation from the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC) visit the University of Macau Library 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 06/07/2023 杭州圖書館劉冬館長一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 Director Liu Dong of Hangzhou Library and his delegation visited the University of Macau Library 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 11/07/2023 武漢大學信息管理學院一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 A delegation from the School of Information Management of Wuhan University visited the University of Macau 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 27/07/2023 清華大學圖書館蔣耘中書記一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 Party Secretary Jiang Yunzhong of Tsinghua University Library and his delegation visited the University of Macau Library 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 01/08/2023 圖書館走訪住宿書院、推動服務與合作 Library visits residential colleges to promote services and cooperation 住宿書院 Residential Colleges 04/08/2023 浙江大學圖書館樓含松館長一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 Library Director Lou Hansong of Zhejiang University Library and his delegation visited the University of Macau Library 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 14/08/2023 大學圖書館2023/2024學年度迎新活動 UM Library Activities for the New Academic Year 大學圖書館展覽廳 (E2-G007) Exhibition Hall at UM Library (E2-G007) 大學圖書館大堂 Lobby at UM Library 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 17/08/2023 2023教科書及學術書展 2023 Textbook and Academic Book Fair 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 21/08/2023 笹川杯品書知日本徵文大獎賽2023–澳門大學初選 (初選截止時間: 2023年9月17日) 線上 Online 04/09/2023 澳門大學圖書館兩名主管參與2023年度世界圖書館和信息大會 (WLIC) Two staff of the University of Macau Library participated in the 2023 World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) 荷蘭鹿特丹 Rotterdam, Netherlands 21/09/2023 橫琴粵澳深度合作區行政事務局與珠海市檔案館一行訪問澳門大學 檔案館 A delegation from the Administrative Affairs Bureau of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone and the Zhuhai Archives visited the University of Macau Archives 澳門大學檔案館 University of Macau 21/09/2023 澳大圖書館舉辦巴西文學家馬爾科・盧凱西文學作品展 UM Library holds an exhibition of literary works by Brazilian writer Marco Lucchesi 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 22/09/2023 重慶之窗”暨“這就是中國味道”展在澳大開幕 Opening of the “Window of Chongqing” and “This is the Taste of China” exhibitions at UM 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 12/10/2023 澳大三本古籍入選大灣區國家珍貴古籍名錄 Three ancient books from UM’s collection included in GBA National Rare Ancient Book Directory 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 活 动 总 表 Activities List Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 17 日期 Date 活動 Event 地點 Venue 17/10/2023 數碼學術工作坊:數位學術對大學的幫助與影響 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Scholars Page Construction and Service Model in the University of Macau 圖書館E2-G019室 G019, E2 Library 20/10/2023 澳門大學圖書館數碼學術空間開張 暨 數碼學術對大學的幫助與影 響工作坊 Opening of the University of Macau Library Digital Scholarship Space and “Workshop of Digital Scholarship: Assistance & Influence of Digital Scholarship” was successfully held 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 20/10/2023 澳門大學舉辦“澳門特別行政區與內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟” 理事會年度會議暨圖書館學術研討會 The University of Macau held the annual council meeting of the “Academic Library Alliance for Portuguese Language Resources between the Macao SAR and the Mainland of China” and a library academic forum 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 25/10/2023 數碼學術工作坊:澳門大學學者庫構建與服務模式 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Scholars Page Construction and Service Model in the University of Macau 圖書館E2-G019室 G019, E2 Library 08/11/2023 圖書館消息: 澳大圖書館舉辦澳門格蘭披治大賽車文獻主題展覽 LIBRARY NEWS: MACAU GRAND PRIX DOCUMENTARY THEMED EXHIBITION 大學圖書館大堂 Lobby at UM Library 08/11/2023 Library News — Two Library Workshops to be held in the UM Library for Research Metrics and OA publishing 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 10/11/2023 廣東省科技圖書館與澳門大學圖書館舉行“國家知識産權信息公共 服務網點聯合服務中心”揭牌儀式 The Guangdong Science and Technology Library and the University of Macau Library held the unveiling ceremony of the "National Intellectual Property Information Public Service Network Joint Service Center" 澳門大學大學展館 University Gallery of the University of Macau 10/11/2023 數碼學術工作坊:負責任的使用研究評價指標 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Responsible use of research metrics 圖書館E2-G019室 G019, E2 Library 24/11/2023 數碼學術工作坊 Digital Scholarship Workshop:How Transformative Agreement helps faculty publish open access papers? 圖書館E2-G019室 G019, E2 Library 29/11/2023 數碼學術工作坊:Derwent Innovation 和 incoPat 專利數據庫介 紹 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Orientation for Derwent Innovation and incoPat 圖書館E2-G019室和 Zoom Venue E2-G019 & Zoom 01/12/2023 “深圳之窗”落地澳門大學暨“深圳作家獲獎作品展”揭幕儀式圓滿 舉辦 “Window of Shenzhen” launched at the University of Macau and the opening ceremony of “Exhibition of Award-winning Works of Shenzhen Writers” 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 18/12/2023 上海圖書館陳超館長一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 Director Chen Chao of Shanghai Library and his delegation visited the University of Macau Library 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library