
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 社 區 篇 Community page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 12 澳大三本古籍入選大灣區國家珍貴古籍名錄 THREE ANCIENT BOOKS FROM UM’S COLLECTION INCLUDED IN GBA NATIONAL RARE ANCIENT BOOK DIRECTORY (2023.10.12) 澳門大學圖書館館藏三部明朝刻本古籍《新編纂註資治通鑑外紀增義》、《重校正唐文粹》及 《宗忠簡公文集》獲廣東省立中山圖書館廣東省古籍保護中心選入《粵港澳大灣區國家珍貴 古籍名錄圖錄》。三部古籍皆為明朝刻本,保存良好品相上佳,名家藏印校跋傳承,對今人在 歷史學、文獻學等研究亦有相當重要研究意義。 Three ancient books from the rare collection of the University of Macau (UM) library have been selected by the Centre for Preservation and Conservation of Ancient Books of Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province to be included in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area National Rare Ancient Book Directory. The three ancient books, all of which are block books printed in the Ming dynasty, are well preserved and in excellent condition, and are of considerable significance to the study of history and documentation science. 人文學院學生再獲殊榮 獲全國徵文大賽獎項 UM STUDENT WINS A NEW AWARD IN THE NATIONAL ESSAY WRITING CONTEST (2024.01.31) 笹川杯品書知日本徵文大賽2023”全國大賽日前公佈獲獎名單,我校人文學院本科 一年級王辰月同學榮獲二等獎,是次全國參賽大學有眾多雙一流院校參與,共1900 餘篇參賽作品,我校代表從中脫穎而出,藉此祝賀。同時澳門大學因籌備初選組織 出色,同時榮獲2023 年度“最佳組織獎”。 Wang Chenyue, a first-year student of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Macau, stood out among more than 1,900 college participants nationwide in the "2023 Sasakawa Cup Reading and Writing Essay Contest" and won the second prize. At the same time, the University of Macau also won the “Best Organization Award” in 2023 for its excellent organization of the selection competition.