NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 數碼 學術 工作坊 Digital Scholarship Workshop Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 13 2023年10月17日 澳門大學圖書館首次舉行了數碼學術工作坊講座,講座獲得澳大師生的喜 愛與支持,隨後截止到2024年3月31日,澳門大學圖書館已經成功舉辦了6場數碼學術工作 坊講座,澳門大學圖書館邀請有關方向的專業學者與澳大師生一起分享交流。澳大師生通過 講座學習,瞭解到了如何更好的使用數碼電子説明自己的學術以及有效的利用圖書館資源。 On October 17, 2023, the University of Macau Library held its first Digital Scholarship Workshop lecture, which was well received by the staffs and students of the UM. Subsequently, as of March 31, 2024, the UM Library has successfully held 6 Digital Scholarship Workshop lectures, in which the UM Library invited professional scholars in the relevant fields to share their views and exchange ideas with the staffs and students of the UM. Through the lectures, students and staffs of the UM have learned how to better use digital electronics to help their own academics and effectively utilize library resources. 數碼學術工作坊:數位學術對大學的幫助與影響 Digital Scholarship Workshop: Scholars Page Construction and Service Model in the University of Macau (2023.10.17) 2023年10月17日 澳大圖書館首次開設了數碼學術工作坊講座,澳大圖書 館有幸邀請了上海外國語大學圖書館蔡迎春館長;香港中文大學圖書館數 碼創新主管李智恒先生,作為該次數碼學術工作坊的講者,為我們主講名 為「數碼學術工作坊:數位學術對大學的幫助與影響」。數碼學術一直以來 都在不斷地改變著學術界的面貌,並為學術研究和知識傳播帶來了嶄新的 可能性。這個工作坊旨在探討數位工具、科技和資源如何加強學術研究, 並以實際經驗分享的方式,瞭解數碼學術對大學的影響和幫助。通過參與 這個令人期待的工作坊,參與者深入瞭解數碼學術,並探索如何應用它以 提升參與者的學術研究和成果。無論參與者是學者、圖書館專業人員,還 是對數碼學術感興趣的人,這個工作坊都對參與者有所幫助。 October 17, 2023 The University of Macau Library held its first Digital Scholarship Workshop, and was honored to have invited Ms. Cai Yingchun, Director of the Library at Shanghai International Studies University; Mr. Ryun Lee, Head of Digital Initiatives at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as the speakers of the Digital Scholarship Workshop, who gave a lecture on the topic of “Digital Scholarship Workshop: Enhancing Academia with Digital Scholarship”. Digital scholarship is continually reshaping the landscape of academia, opening up new possibilities for academic research and knowledge dissemination. This workshop aims to explore how digital tools, technologies and resources enhance academic research and provide practical insights into the impact and benefits of digital scholarship in the university environment. Through participation in this workshop, participants gained an in-depth understanding of digital scholarship and explored how it can be applied to enhance the participants' academic research and outcomes. Whether participants are scholars, library professionals, or those interested in digital scholarship, this workshop was helpful to participants.