2 武漢大學信息管理學院一行訪問 澳門大學圖書館 A DELEGATION FROM THE SCHOOL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.07.11) 7月7日,武漢大學信息管理學院傅興榮黨委書記 率團訪問澳門大學圖書館,獲圖書館吳建中館長 等熱情接待。雙方就深化交流、拓展合作、人才 培養、擴大資訊互通、促進學術支撐服務等議題 進行深入的探討和分享,雙方均冀望可以加強合 作,互利共贏,共同推動兩地高校圖書館服務質 量和專業人才培養的發展。 On July 7, Fu Xingrong, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Information Management of Wuhan University, led a delegation to visit the University of Macau Library, and was warmly received by the Librarian, Wu Jianzhong. The two parties conducted in-depth discussions and sharing on various topics such as deepening exchanges and cooperation, personnel training, expanding information connection, and promoting academic support services. Both parties hoped to strengthen cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and also promote the development of service quality and professional talent training of university libraries together. 清華大學圖書館蔣耘中書記一行訪問 澳門大學圖書館 PARTY SECRETARY JIANG YUNZHONG OF TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND HIS DELEGATION VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.07.27) 2023年7月25日上午,清華大學圖書館書記蔣耘中、副館長竇天芳、信息技術部館員趙楊、趙尚一行四人訪問澳門大學圖書 館。雙方就館藏建设、信息化建设及创新服务等多方面議題進行了深入的交流。 On July 25, Party Secretary Jiang Yunzhong of Tsinghua University Library, Deputy Director Dou Tianfang of Tsinghua University Library, Zhao Yang and Zhao Shang of the Information Technology Department, visited the University of Macau Library. The two parties also conducted in-depth exchanges on various issues such as collection construction, information construction and innovative services. 浙江大學圖書館樓含松館長 一行訪問澳門大學圖書館 LIBRARY DIRECTOR LOU HANSONG OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND HIS DELEGATION VISITED THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY (2023.08.04) 2023年8月2日上午,浙江大學圖書館館長樓含松教授、副館長余敏杰、綜合辦公室主任何曉薇、推廣合作部主任范晨曉、人 事主管郭全珍一行五人訪問澳門大學圖書館,並簽訂浙江大學圖書館與澳門大學圖書館合作協議。 On August 2, Library Director Professor Lou Hansong of Zhejiang University Library, Deputy Director Yu Minjie, Head of the General Office He Xiaowei, Officer Fan Chenxiao of the Promotion and Cooperation Department, and Head of Personnel Guo Quanzhen visited the University of Macau Library and signed a cooperation agreement. NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 來 訪 篇 Guest visit page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024