NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 展 覽 篇 Exhibition page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 5 2023教科書及學術書展 2023 TEXTBOOK AND ACADEMIC BOOK FAIR (2023.08.17) 2023教科書及學術書展於2023年8月16日在澳門大學圖書館開幕,書展由澳門大學 圖書館與澳門文化廣場合辦,旨在推廣學術出版物,促進本地學術交流,讓學生更便 捷地了解並獲取著名出版社的最新教科書及學術書。 The 2023 Textbook and Academic Book Fair was held at the University of Macau Library on 16 August 2023. The book fair was co-organized by the University of Macau Library and the Plaza Cultural Macau. It aimed to promote academic publications, encourage local academic exchanges, and make acquiring latest textbooks and academic books from renowned publishers easier for students. the Shanghai Library’s support to the UM Library over the years, and looked forward to continuing to receive guidance from the Shanghai Library in the future. Chen Chao introduced recent innovative developments of the Shanghai Library and expected the two parties to deepen cooperation in knowledge services, document delivery, education and training, etc. 澳大圖書館舉辦巴西文學家 馬爾科・盧凱西文學作品展 UM LIBRARY HOLDS AN EXHIBITION OF LITERARY WORKS BY BRAZILIAN WRITER MARCO LUCCHESI (2023.09.21) 2023年9月20日下午,澳大圖書館舉行巴西文學家馬爾科・盧凱西文學作品展開幕儀式。 本次展覽採用虛實混合的形式,展出馬爾科・盧凱西的文學作品及評論和摘要。讀者不僅 可以閱讀館藏實體作品,而且可以通過掃碼訪問電子及數位元形式的作品。 In the afternoon of 20 September 2023, the UM Library held an opening ceremony for an exhibition of literary works by Brazilian writer Marco Lucchesi. This exhibition adopted a virtual and real mixed display method, displaying Lucchesi’s literary works, reviews and abstracts. Visitors can read Lucchesi’s physical works in the collection, and also access electronic and digital works by scanning QR codes. 圖書館消息: 澳大圖書館舉辦 澳門格蘭披治大賽車文獻主題展覽 LIBRARY NEWS: MACAU GRAND PRIX DOCUMENTARY THEMED EXHIBITION (2023.11.08) 「澳門格蘭披治大賽車文獻主題展覽」於2023年11月8日至11月 19日在圖書館大堂展出。展覽內容為歷屆海報、圖書、特刊、門票 及紀念品等。 LIBRARY NEWS: MACAU GRAND PRIX DOCUMENTARY THEMED EXHIBITION The UM Library holds the “Macau Grand Prix Documentary Themed Exhibition” at the Library lobby from 8 -19 November, 2023. This exhibition displays about past posters, books, special issues, tickets and souvenirs, etc.