
NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 會 議 篇 Conference page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 7 《葡萄牙國王若望五世 1725至 1728 年向雍正帝遣使官方報告》及 《1749年中國、韓國和日本地理地圖》歷史文獻發佈會在澳大舉行 PRESENTATION OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY, THE “RELAÇÃO OFICIAL DA EMBAIXADA DO REI D. JOÃO V DE PORTUGAL AO IMPERADOR YONGZHENG EM 1725-1728”, AND THE MAP PUBLISHED IN 1749 “CARTE GENERAL DE LA TARTARIE CHINOISE ET DE ROJAUMES DE CORÉE ET DE IAPAN” (2024.01.17) 澳門大學圖書館於2024年1月11日舉行了《葡萄牙國王若望五世 1725至 1728 年向雍正帝遣使官方報告》手稿圖書出版及 《1749年中國、韓國和日本地理地圖》入藏儀式。 On 11 January 2024, the University of Macau presented the manuscript publication “Relação Oficial da Embaixada do Rei D. João V de Portugal ao Imperador Yongzheng em 1725-1728”, and a map published in 1749, named Carte Generale de la Tatarie Chinoise et des Rojaumes de Corée et de Iapan”, [General Map of Chinese Tataria and the Kingdoms of Korea and Japan], at the Rarebook Collection Room of the University Library. 劍橋圖書館館長日論壇在澳大舉行 CAMBRIDGE LIBRARIANS’ DAY FORUM HELD AT UM (2024.03.06) 由澳門大學圖書館和劍橋大學出版社聯合主辦的第十屆“劍橋圖書館館長日”論壇在澳大圖書館順利舉行。是次論壇主題 為“未來研究與學習:影響力、用戶支持與AI機遇”,論壇匯聚多地與會者探討如何通過提升影響力、支持用戶、在人工智 能領域尋找機遇,以滿足未來研究者和學習者的需求。來自新加坡、日本、韓國、菲律賓、中國內地、香港、台灣等地70多 位圖書館館長和專家就圖書館發展等議題進行探討。 The 10th Cambridge Librarians’ Day Forum, jointly organised by the University of Macau Library and Cambridge University Press, was held at the University of Macau (UM). The theme of the forum was ‘The Future of Research and Learning: Influence, User Support, and Opportunities in AI’. During the forum, attendees from various places explored how to meet the needs of future researchers and learners by increasing influence, supporting users, and identifying opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence. The event brought together more than 70 librarians and experts from Singapore, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan regions to discuss library development and other topics.