NEWS UMLibrary LETTER 2024 開幕 & 儀式 篇 Opening&ceremony page Vol.12 EDITED BY UM LIBRARY-LRD System and Information Technology Unit 澳大圖書館通訊 MARCH 2024 8 重慶之窗”暨“這就是中國味道”展在澳大開幕 OPENING OF THE “WINDOW OF CHONGQING” AND “THIS IS THE TASTE OF CHINA” EXHIBITIONS AT UM (2023.09.22) 澳門大學圖書館數碼學術空間開張暨 數碼學術對大學的幫助與影響工作坊 OPENING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MACAU LIBRARY DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP SPACE AND “WORKSHOP OF DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP: ASSISTANCE & INFLUENCE OF DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP” WAS SUCCESSFULLY HELD (2023.10.20) In the afternoon of 22 September 2023, the “Window of Chongqing” and “This is the Taste of China” exhibitions opened at the UM Library.“Window of Chongqing” is a foreign cultural exchange project of the Chongqing Library, aiming to publicize and promote Chongqing's unique customs, history and culture. So far, "Window of Chongqing" has been established in 7 universities and public libraries overseas. This event was held by the Chongqing Library for the first time in Macao, and more than 200 donated new books were displayed at the exhibition. The "This is the Taste of China" exhibition tells the story of China through six kinds of Chinese cuisine from the east, west, south, and north of China, and introduce Chinese traditional culture from the aspects of food, cooking methods, aesthetics and literature. Iapan”, [General Map of Chinese Tataria and the Kingdoms of Korea and Japan], at the Rarebook Collection Room of the University Library. 2023年9月22日下午,“重慶之窗”暨“這就是中國味道”展在澳大圖書館開 幕。“重慶之窗”是重慶圖書館的對外文化交流項目,旨在宣傳和推介重慶獨 特的風土人情和歷史文化,至今已在國(境)外7家大學和公共圖書館設立 了“重慶之窗”。此次活動由重慶圖書館首次在澳門舉辦,會上展示200多冊 捐贈的新書。“這就是中國味道”展通過從中國的東西南北6種中華美食中 講述中國故事,從飲食的烹飪方法,審美和文學上講述中國的傳統文化。 In the afternoon of 17 October 2023, the University of Macau Library held the opening ceremony for the Digital Scholarship Space. “Workshop of Digital Scholarship: Assistance & Influence of Digital Scholarship” was successfully held on the same day. Librarian Wu Jianzhong expressed in his opening speech that the Digital Scholarship Space is an important service for libraries facing new situations and demands. The University of Macau Library will actively promote in-depth cooperation with teaching and scientific research departments through the digital scholarship space services. After the talks, the speakers had in-depth exchanges and discussions with the audience, and they looked forward to the University of Macau’s Digital Scholarship Space and hoped it would play an important role in supporting and promoting cooperation in teaching and scientific research. 2023年10月17日周三下午,澳門大學圖書館隆重舉行了數碼 學術空間開幕典禮,同日成功舉辦了"數碼學術對大學的幫 助與影響"工作坊。吳建中館長在致辭中表示,數碼學術空 間是圖書館面對新形勢新需求的一項重要服務,澳門大學 圖書館將通過數碼學術空間的建立,積極推動與教學和科 研工作的深度合作。演講結束後,與會嘉賓和聽眾進行了深 入的交流和討論,共同期待澳門大學的數碼學術空間能夠 繼續發揮更大的作用,促進教學和科研工作的支持和合作。