Library Newsletter 2
大學圖書館“上海之窗”揭幕 Unveiling Ceremony of “Window of Shanghai” in University of Macau Library 日期 Date:31 / 8 地點 Venue:二樓C區 2/F Zone C 大學圖書館的 “上海之窗”專區 設於二樓C區,為配合專區開 放,開設有上海圖書館的「從馬 禮遜到陸谷孫: 紀念馬禮遜《華 英字典》出版200周年」展覽, 讓讀者瞭解二百年中國雙語詞典 出版和中西跨文化交際研究的標 誌性作品。 The “Window of Shanghai” has been launched at Zone C, 2/F of University of Macau library. There is also an exhibition at the same zone entitled “From Morrison to Lu Gusun: Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of “A Dictionary of the Chinese Language’s Publication”, provided by the Shanghai Library. 《澳門研究》三十年 ——系列活 動開幕研討會暨澳門研究中心聘 書頒贈儀式 Conference on “The 30th Anniversary of Journal of Macau Studies and the Ceremony for Issuing CMS Appointment Letters” 日期 Date:30 / 8 時間 Time:10:00 - 13:00 地點 Venue:演講廳 Auditorium 是次活動邀請了眾多專家學者就 澳門的不同議題進行分析討論。 同場還舉行了澳門的人文、社 會、教育、管理、法律和工程等 專題研討會。 Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) held a conference to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Journal of Macau Studies and a ceremony to present CMS appointment letters. The event also included seminars on various topics, including integration of barrier-free facilities in smart city development, Macao’s tourism industry, and the reconstruction of Macaology. 前言 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此一溝通的管道,能讓各讀者多瞭解圖書館一點,也希望能透過此一刊物,將圖書館 的消息傳播出去。期待廣大讀者能透過參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時也希望對圖書館工作提出寶貴的意見。 Preface The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, and we hope to disseminate the library's news through this publication. We hope library readers will gain more knowledge of library services through participation in a variety of activities organized by the Library and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on library work. 活動 Activities -- Highlighted 「印象‧非洲」呂志和書院非洲 肯尼亞服務學習照片展 A Touch of Africa: Photo Exhibition of LCWC Service- Learning Trip to Kenya 日期 Date:10 – 30 / 9 時間 Time:08:00 地點 Venue:圖書館大堂 Library Lobby 照片展記錄了呂志和書院5名學 生及導師褚彩霞博士前往非洲肯 尼亞服務學習活動的所見所聞。 This photo exhibition displays photos taken by Dr. Caixia CHU and 5 students from Lui Che Woo College, from their service-learning project in Kenya. 2018教科書及學術書展 2018 Textbook and Academic Book Fair 日期 Date:27 - 28 / 8 時間 Time:10:00 - 18:30 地點 Venue:展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 由澳門大學圖書館主辦與澳門文化 廣場協辦的“2018 教科書及學術書 展”於本月27日至28日從早上十時 至下午六時半在澳門大學伍宜孫圖 書館展覽廳舉行。 “2018 Textbook and Academic Book Fair” was jointly organized by UM Library and Plaza Cultural Macau, was held from 27th to 28th August from 10:00 to 18:30 at the Exhibition Hall of UM Wu Yee Sun Library.
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