Library Newsletter 2

2 請在這裡輸入標題 “上海之窗"專區 ‘Window of Shanghai’ Book Exhibition 新區介紹 New Corners 時間 Time:08:00 - 24:00 地點 Venue:二樓C區 2/F Zone C 圖書館於二樓 C 區中華文化坊增設“中國圖書對外推廣計畫"——“上海之 窗",展出約 300 種獲捐贈的圖書。“上海之窗”是“中國圖書對外推廣計 畫"(CBI)的其中一個項目,已在全球 6 大洲 66 個國家和地區的 138 家機構 落戶,這是首次落戶港澳地區。是次捐贈的圖書約 300 種,涵蓋人文與社會 科學、文化習俗、建築、旅遊、烹飪以及兒童文學等內容。圖書館自成立以 來,致力推動與世界各地圖書館開展圖書互換及交流活動,以滿足師生對圖 書的需求。專區同場更設有上海圖書館的“從馬禮遜到陸穀孫:紀念馬禮遜 《華英字典》出版 200 周年"展覽,讓讀者瞭解中國雙語詞典出版和中西跨 文化交際研究的標誌性作品。 The library is currently holding the ‘Window of Shanghai’ book exhibition. As part of the China Book International (CBI), Window of Shanghai is a programme that aims to promote Chinese culture and civilisation to overseas readers through the latest Chinese publications, which is expected to help strengthen the cultural ties among different countries. The project has 138 participating institutions in 66 countries and regions, and this is the first time it has been held in the Hong Kong and Macao region. So far, 300 books have been donated to the library through this programme. These books cover various topics, including humanities, social sciences, culture and customs, architecture, tourism, cooking, and children's literature. The exhibition is in Zone C, on the 2/F of the library. 繪本坊 Picture Book Section 時間 Time:08:00 - 24:00 地點 Venue:二樓A4區 2/F Zone A4 “繪本坊”位於圖書館2樓A4區,是一個開放予澳門市民享用的親子閱讀角落,也是作為教育學院部分幼兒教育課程的教學場地。該區讓兒童讀者 通過其多元化的館藏進行探索、學習和交流,從而幫助他們成長和發展,培養他們對閱讀的熱愛。“繪本坊”將與教育學院合作,週六及週日下 午設立兒童故事天地。由該院幼教學生擔任講師,為到訪的小朋友安排不同語種的故事時間,附帶手藝工作坊,為他們提供另一個職前實習的機 會。 Located in Zone A4 on the 2/F of the library, you will find a newly-established Picture Book Section. The section is open to all Macao residents and aims to provide an environment for parents and their children to read together. It allows young readers to explore, learn and communicate through its diversified collection, thus helping them in their growth and development as well as foster their love of reading. Some early childhood education courses offered by the Faculty of Education will also take place here.