Library Newsletter 2
5 s 展覽 Exhibitions -- Highlighted "連家生文庫"揭幕儀式 Unveiling Ceremony of “Lin Ka Sang Collection” 日期 Date:5 / 10 時間 Time:16:30 地點 Venue:圖書館三樓B區 Library 3/F Zone B "連家生文庫"是澳門大學圖書館首次設立的名人文庫,希望藉此機會整體收藏澳門知名人士的作品,形成專藏,豐富大學圖書館的學術及藝術收 藏,此外,通過建立專藏,進一步拓展澳門研究的知識庫。 “Lin Ka Sang Collection” is the first collection established for social celebrity by University of Macau Library. The library hopes to take this chance to collect the works from social celebrities in Macao, to build up special collections, and to enrich academic and arts collections. Moreover, through establishing this special collection, the Library further expands the knowledge base of Macao research. 澳門:中西方交流的窗口—粵港澳珍貴文獻聯展 Macao: A Gateway to the Cultural Interaction between China and the West Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Rare Collections Exhibition 日期 Date:11 - 22 / 10 時間 Time:10:00 - 17:00 地點 Venue:圖書館五樓展覽廳 Library 5/F Exhibition Hall 大學圖書館邀請粵港澳地區多間圖書館及文獻機構商借藏品,並於圖書館五樓展廳舉行“澳門:中西方交流的窗口—粵港澳珍貴文獻聯展”。展 品彙集了粵港澳地區有關澳門研究的古老文獻,不僅有公家珍本,還有私人珍藏。各項珍貴展品均呈現澳門在推動中西方文明進程中的重要地 位 。 Held on the fifth floor of the UM library, the exhibition displays old documents on Macao studies collected from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, which highlight Macao’s important role in the cultural exchange between the East and West from the 16th century to the 19th century. The exhibits are divided into seven categories: A Pictorial View of Macao, China in the Eyes of Foreigners, the Society of Jesus, the Translated Works, Trades and International Relations, Early Periodicals of Macao, and the Life of Early Macao. The event is jointly organised by the libraries of Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong Baptist University, the Macau University of Science and Technology, and UM, as well as Macao Public Library, the Archives of Macao, and Macao Museum.
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