Library Newsletter 3

2 請在這裡輸入標題 s 博雅講座 — 從澳門開始:中國與葡語國家文化交流的 前景與挑戰 Boya Lecture -- Starting from Macau: Prospects and Challenges of Cultural Exchange between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries 講者:姚京明教授 (澳大葡文系主任) Speaker:Prof. Jing Ming Yao (Head of Department of Portuguese) 日期 Date:22 / 11 / 2018 時間 Time:15:30 - 16:30 地點 Venue:演講廳 Auditorium 博雅講座 Boya Talks 人文學院葡文系葡亞研究中心講座:澳大圖書館葡文 天地博雅講座:賈梅士與世界 FAH-DPORT-CIELA: Portuguese Corner Guest Lecture, Boya Talk of the UM library: Camões and the world 講者:Hélio Alves 教授 Speaker:Prof. Hélio Alves 日期 Date:8 / 3 / 2019 時間 Time:17:30 - 18:30 地點 Venue:二樓空中花園 Sky Garden, 2nd Floor " 漢字之美 ” 進澳大展覽 “The Beauty of Chinese Characters” Exhibition 日期 Date:13 / 12 - 17 / 12 時間 Time:10:00 - 17:00 地點 Venue:圖書館展覽廳 Exhibition Hall of the UM Wu Yee Sun Library “「漢字之美」進澳大”—全球青年設計大賽獲獎作品粵港澳大灣區巡展是 由澳門大學與北京師範大學聯合主辦,承辦機構包括:北京師範大學粵港澳 大灣區文化創新與傳播研究中心、澳大圖書館、澳大中國歷史文化中心及澳 大研究生會。 “The Beauty of Chinese Characters” -- Global Youth Design Contest Across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. This exhibition is hosted by the University of Macau and Beijing Normal University, and organized by the Research Center for Culture Innovation and Communication in the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macau Greater Bay Area of Beijing Normal University, UM Library, Centre for Chinese History and Culture of UM, and UM Postgraduate Association. 展覽巡禮 Exhibition Highlights