Library Newsletter 3

6 請在這裡輸入標題 最後談到對澳大分店將來的經營展望,陳先生表示希望得到澳門大學更大力的支 持,以加強與圖書館更緊密的合作。他興奮地提到 2018 年 12 月已開展與澳大圖書 館合作的“閱讀花園”空間,這正是一個嶄新的合作開端,他期望日後能嘗試更多 的創新合作項目,如合作篩選優質的二手書重新包裝銷售,他表示這都是國內外值 得參考的成功合作經驗。 Last but not least, when talking about the expectations of the future operation of the UM branch, Mr. Chan hoped that they could get more support from UM in order to strengthen the cooperation with the UM library. He was also excited to emphasize that the space “Reading Garden” co-organized with UM library started from Dec 2018 was absolutely a brand new beginning on cooperation. He wished to have more innovative cooperation projects in the future, such as to screen high-quality second-hand books for repackaging and selling. He indicated that this successful collaborative case was worth reference. 接下來陳先生分享了在澳大經營的苦與樂,樂在於澳大環境清幽,處處散發著青春氣息, 加上人文氛圍濃厚,來澳大開店確實使人精神抖擻,身心舒暢呢!而且在澳大開店實屬文 化廣場擴展業務的里程牌,在校園裡可以實踐各項創新的經營理念,搜集數據,積累經 驗,並培養多元人才,可為日後總體業務的再發展打下不可或缺的基礎,此等也是可喜之 事。而苦處是在於要承受預期中的虧本經營風險的同時,澳大的一些行政程序也使經營增 加了難度。 Mr. Chan also shared with us his joyful things as well as the painful experiences of running the business at UM. He feels extremely happy as the UM environment is absolutely a green and quiet place where exudes youthfulness all the time and strong humanistic atmosphere everywhere. Working on the UM campus really makes people feel refreshed and relaxed. Besides, the opening of the store at UM is the milestone of the expansion of the company. It can practise various innovative business ideas, collect data, accumulate experiences and cultivate diverse talents. All these will be indispensable for the further development of the overall business in the coming years. For the bitterness, besides bearing the expected risk of deficit, he recalled that some UM administrative procedures have made the operation more difficult. 接下來談到現今應對網絡大數據時代的具體策略,陳先生表示將基於兩大方向去發 展:1. 現在很多行業考慮跨行業狀態,而文化廣場也希望從這方向提供既多元化又 具品質的服務。早前已嘗試加入餐飲服務,而該服務品質也將不斷根據實況調整和 提高;另外,近年也於澳大分店引入單車借用,以此吸引廣大市民進店和澳大圖書 館,並借此將環保、親近大自然的理念融入,更期望能與親子閱讀推廣相輔相承; 2.籌劃加入網絡銷售平台,期望於不久將來 把 澳門尤為優秀的作品推到網上,融入 國際。 In considering the specific strategies for the book stores in dealing with the era of big data, Mr. Chan mentioned that they have been developing two directions: 1. Many industries nowadays consider about cross-industry status. The bookstore also expects to follow this direction and to provide more diversified services with high qualities. Recently, catering was added into service and its quality will keep improving and changing accordingly. In the recent years, bicycle borrowing at the UM store has also been introduced in order to attract people to come to the store as well as to the UM library. This service integrates not only the concept of environmental protection and closeness to nature, but also complements the parent-child reading promotion. 2. He plan to join the online sales platform. He expects to bring Macau's excellent publications onto the Internet in the near future and to integrate into the world.