Library Newsletter 3

7 ss 日期 Date 時間 Time 活動 Event 地點 Venue 08 / 11 / 18 11:00 - 16:00 圖書館工作坊 Learn How to Use Oxford English Dictionary Online 書目指導室 BI Room (G019) 08 / 11 / 18 – 05 / 12 / 18 15:00 - 16:15 蔡傳興書法作品及書畫藏品展 Choi Chun Heng Calligraphy and Art Collection Exhibition 大學展館 University Gallery 09 / 11 / 18 15:30 - 16:30 “生 • 趣 -- 丁衍庸書畫印作品展”開幕儀式及主題講座 Opening Ceremony of “生 • 趣 -- 丁衍庸書畫印作品展”及主題講座 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 10 / 11 / 18 – 19 / 11 / 18 10:00 - 17:00 “生•趣 -- 丁衍庸書畫印作品展” Exhibition -- “生•趣 -- 丁衍庸書画印作品展” 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 15 / 11 / 18 11:00 - 12:00 圖書館工作坊 Brief overview of Plagiarism Prevention Tools 書目指導室 BI Room (G019) 22 / 11 / 18 15:00 - 16:00 圖書館工作坊 Research with web-based tools in UM Library 書目指導室 BI Room (G019) 22 / 11 / 18 15:30 – 16:30 “博雅講座”— 從澳門開始:中國與葡語國家文化交流的前景與挑戰 “Boya Lecture” -- Starting from Macau: Prospects and Challenges of Cultural Exchange between China and Portuguese-speaking 大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 26 / 11 / 18 15:00 - 16:00 “博雅講座” — 澳門研究:我如何用昆蟲來連結周邊的人? “Boya Lecture” -- Macau Study: How do I use insects to connect people around me? 大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 03 / 12 / 18 09:30 - 17:40 韌性城市的建立:基建、城市與法律學術研討會 Conference on “The Establishment of a Resilient City: Infrastructure, Urban Planning and Law” 大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 13 / 12 / 18 15:45 - 16:00 「漢字之美」進澳大展覽開幕式 Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition on The Beauty of Chinese Characters 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 13 / 12 / 18 16:30 - 18:00 “中國歷史文化大講壇系列”「漢字之美--中文的鄉土」主題講座 Lecture Series on Chinese History and Culture: The Beauty of Chinese Characters - The Roots of Chinese Characters 大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 14 / 12 / 18 15:00 - 15:30 圖書館活動:"閱讀花園"開幕 Library Activity -- The Opening Ceremony of "Reading Garden" 正門 (水池傍) Pool side of the main entrance 18 / 12 / 18 16:00 圖書館講座 -- 潘華棟博士 Talk on “1 Profession、2 Cities、3 Universities、4 Principles、50 Years of service: Dream (Still) Unfulfilled” by Dr Paul W.T. Poon 大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 16 / 01 / 19 – 22 / 01 / 19 10:00 - 17:30 澳門大學孔子學院書畫展:筆墨下的中葡文化視域交融 CIUM Art Exhibition: The Fusion of the Chinese and Portuguese Cultural Horizons in the Painting ( cont) 展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 22 / 01 / 19 10:00 圖書館活動 -- 博雅新書發佈 (作者:李憑) Library Activity -- Boya Book Launch (Author: 李憑) 大學展館演講廳 Auditorium, University Gallery 23 / 01 / 19 15:00 - 16:15 圖書館活動 -- 《唇》博雅新書發佈 (作者:邢悅) Library Activity -- 《唇》Boya Book Launch (Author: 邢悅) 澳門文化廣場(澳大店) Plaza Cultural Macau (UM Branch) 活動總表 Event Summary [Cite your source here.]