Library Newsletter 4
10 請在這裡輸入標題 问题: 一共只有 5 页 快讯需要修改图 日期 Date 時間 Time 活動 Event 地點 Venue 16/10/19 15:00-16:00 博雅新書發佈和博雅講座: 佛像背光中的小佛 Boya Book Launch and Boya Talk: Emanated Buddhas in the Aureole of Buddhist Images from India, Central Asia and China E1, 大學展館演講廳 E1, Auditorium, University Gallery 09/10/19 15:00-16:00 博雅新書發佈--"夜航隨筆"及續篇 Boya Book Launch -- 陳浩星"夜航隨筆"及續篇 E2, 澳門大化廣場(澳門大 學分店) E2, Plaza Cultural Macau 09/19-11/19 圖書館活動 -- 為成功鋪路: 參加圖書館導覽及工作坊 Library Activities -- Paving the Way to Success: Come and Join the Library Orientations and Workshops 書目指導室 BI Room(G019) 03/09/19- 06/09/19 10:00-18:00 10:00-13:00 2019 教科書及學術書展 2019 Textbook and Academic Book Fair 圖書館展覽 Exhibition Hall E2-G007) 20/06/19 上午 傑出院士學者書法展開幕禮 Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition by Renowned Academicians and Scholars 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 11/06/19 上午 上海市政協代表團訪問澳大 Delegation from Shanghai CPPCC visited UM 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 22/05/19 澳大人文庫著作徵集 Call for book donations for “UM Scholars Collection” 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library 25/03/19- 26/04/19 活動花絮 -- 文明聚珍──澳門大學圖書館新近入藏外文古籍展 Activity Highlights -- Exhibition of the Selected European Rare Books of the University of Macau Library 澳門大學圖書館古籍館 University of Macau Library Rare Collection Room 25/04/19 17:30 - 18:45 澳門大學圖書館博雅講座——葡語角客席講座:Portuguese Language in the Atlantic —— 澳大葡文系 Gabriel Antunes de Araujo 教授 Portuguese Corner Guest Lecture – Boya Talk of UM Library: Portuguese Language in the Atlantic by Prof. Gabriel Antunes de Araujo, UM E2, 澳大圖書館 2 樓花園 E2, UM Library, 2nd Floor, Sky Garden 14/04/19 14:30-15:30 博雅講座:上座傳經事已微----饒宗頤先生新加坡大學執教考 Boya Lecture: Jao Tsung-I in Singapore (1968–1973): Why He Went and Left E1, 大學展館演講廳 E1, Auditorium, University Gallery 25/03/19 15:30-16:30 圖書館活動: 王安憶教授 -- 博雅講座 Library Activities: Boya Lecture by Prof. Wang Anyi 澳大圖書館演講廳 UM Library’s Auditorium (E2) 25/03/19 16:30-17:00 圖書館活動: 王安憶教授 --簽書會 Library Activities: Book Signing by Prof. Wang Anyi 澳大圖書館演講廳 UM Library’s Auditorium (E2) 13/03/19 10:00-15:00 圖書館活動 -- 齊來參加" Gale Digital Scholar Lab 工作坊" Library Activities -- Come and Join the "Gale Digital Scholar Lab Workshop" 圖書館 E2-G019 08/03/19 17:30 - 18:30 人文學院葡文系葡亞研究中心講座: 澳大圖書館葡文天地博雅講座: 賈 梅士與世界 FAH-DPORT-CIELA: Portuguese corner guest lecture boya talk of the UM library: Camões and the world E2, 澳大圖書館 2 樓花園 E2, UM Library, 2nd Floor, Sky Garden 活動總表 Event Summary [Cite your source here.]
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