Library Newsletter 4
12 請在這裡輸入標題 館員天地 Staff Corner [Cite your source here.] 澳門大學圖書館員投稿國 際會議被錄用 University of Macau Library staff’s paper was accepted by ICIL Conference 日期 Date:9/5/2019 澳門大學圖書館員耿琳琳, 撰寫了的名為“翻轉教學法 在資訊素養工作坊中運用: 澳門大學圖書館的成功經 驗”的論文幷投稿資訊素養 國際會議並被錄取。資訊素 養國際會議( ICIL )是圖書 館界在資訊素養專業領域最 前沿的國際級研討會。 Ms. Geng Linlin, a library staff at the University of Macau, wrote a paper entitled “Use of the Flipped Teaching Method in an Information Literacy Workshop: A Successful Experience in the University of Macau Library” submit to International Conference on Information Literacy and it has been accepted directly. The International Conference on Information Literacy (ICIL) is the most advanced international conference in the field of information literacy in the library community. 國畫作品《幽香》 創作者:羅小群
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