Library Newsletter 4
2 請在這裡輸入標題 澳大崇文樓啟用儀式 Inauguration Ceremony for the Cultural Building 日期 Date:19/6/2019 澳門大學在 6 月 19 日舉行澳大 崇文樓啟用儀式,澳大崇文樓 滙聚了中國歷史文化中心、澳 門研究中心、孔子學院、中葡 雙語教學暨培訓中心、藝術設 計中心等富有實力的文教單 位。澳大校長宋永華表示,崇 文樓肩負著弘揚中華文化和加 強多元文化交流的使命。 The inauguration ceremony for the Cultural Building was held at University of Macau on19 June. The Cultural Building houses the current Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Centre for Macau Studies, Confucius Institute, Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, Centre for Arts and Design,etc. all of which are strong cultural or teaching units at UM. UM Rector Yonghua Song said at the ceremony that the Cultural Building at UM is tasked with the mission of promoting Chinese culture and cultural exchange. 活動 Activity 澳大圖書館訪廣州圖書館 交流兩地信息組織模式與 服務 The UM Library delegation visited Guangzhou Library for professional exchange 日期 Date:1/8/2019 澳門大學圖書館一行十五 人在王國强副館長帶領下 于 7 月 23 日赴廣州圖書館 參訪交流,並舉行“ 2019 年穗澳圖書館信息組織與 技術專題研討會”。雙方 期待在信息技術、文獻傳 遞以及歷史文獻服務等領 域開展更廣泛的合作。 Led by Dr. Raymond Wong, Associate University Librarian, 15 library staff from the UM Library visited the Guangzhou Library on July 23, 2019, and participated in a seminar on “Information Organization and Services”. Both parties looked forward to more extensive cooperation on information technology services, inter-library loans, and historical documentation services in the near future. 澳大圖書館參考館員《資 訊素養實用教程》新書出 版 Publication of the New Book Entitled “Transferring Information Literacy Practices” Written by UM Reference Librarians 日期 Date:27/6/2019 近日,由澳門大學圖書館梁 德海、謝靜珍、耿琳琳和潘 雅茵編著的《資訊素養實用 教程》出版 澳門大學圖書 館吳建中館長為本書作序。 A new book entitled “Transferring Information Literacy Practices” written by Billy Tak Hoi Leung, Jacqueline Xie, Linlin Geng, and Priscilla Nga Ian Pun of the University of Macau Library was recently published. The book is prefaced by Dr. Wu Jianzhong, the University Librarian. 澳大圖書館五位代表在國 際圖聯專業委員會新一輪 選舉中擔任要職 Five staff of the UM Library elected to be key members of IFLA Professional Committee 日期 Date:9/5/2019 吳建中、梁德海、李仲明和 許偉達分別成為圖書館建築 與設備委員會、文獻保存與 保管委員會、知識管理委員 會和亞洲與大洋洲區域委員 會常委;潘雅茵為編目委員 會通訊委員和 2019 年國際 圖聯雅典年會編目主題論壇 籌備小組成員。 Dr. Wu Jianzhong, Mr. Leung Tak Hoi, Mr. Lei Chong Meng and Mr. Hoi Wai Tat become the standing committee members of the Library Buildings and Equipment Section, the Preservation and conservation Section, the Knowledge Management Section, and Asia and Ocean Section respectively; Ms. Pun Nga Ian becomes a corresponding member of the Cataloging Section and member of the 2019 IFLA Athens Annual Meeting Cataloging Forum preparatory Committee.
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