Library Newsletter 4
3 圖書館大數據墻 TV Wall 圖書館大數據墻是基於網絡平臺,對數據進行大數據分析,依託於資訊發 佈的數字媒體播放系統。它能將熱門借閱排行、讀者入館人數、館內設施 即時資訊、近期活動、新書推薦、校園概況、學者庫展示等資訊通過智慧 牆大屏展示給讀者。 The library big data TV wall is a digital media playback system which runs analytics on big data based on the network platform and information release. It can display information to the reader through the big TV wall including “most borrowed ranking”, “ number of readers entering the library”, “real time information of the facilities in the library” , “recent activities”, “ new arrivals ”, “campus overview”, “scholar page” and so on. 文化共享工程影片走入紹邦書院 “Cultural Sharing Project” Films Brought into Shiu Pong College 日前,圖書館將 " 文化共享工程 " 的一系列影片提供給紹邦書院,以供書院學子在閒暇時觀看,希望豐富課餘生活。影片包括 了文化類、教育類、藝術類、科普類等多種類型。 " 文化共享工程 " 是 全國文化信息資源共享工程的簡稱,是 2002 年起,由 文化部、財政部共同組織實施的一項國家重大文化惠民工程。它應用現 代信息技術,將中華優秀文化信息資源進行數字化加工與整合,依托各 級公共圖書館、文化館 ( 站 ) 等公共文化設施,通過互聯網、廣播電視網、 無線通信網等新型傳播載體,在全國範圍內實現中華優秀文化資源的共 建共享。 A few days ago, the UM library provided a series of films of "Cultural Sharing Project" to Shiu Pong College which the students in this college can watch in their leisure time and enrich their after-school life simultaneously. There are different types of films including cultural, educational, art, and popular science films. "Culture Sharing Project" is short for the “National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project (NCIRSP)”, which is a major cultural people- benefit project jointly organized and implemented by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance since 2002. Modern information technology is used in the NCIRSP for digital processing and integration of excellent Chinese culture and information resources. Excellent Chinese cultures are constructed and shared all over China by the Internet, broadcast network, wireless communications network and other new communication carriers, relying on the public cultural facilities covering public libraries at all levels, cultural centers, etc. 快訊 News Flash
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