Library Newsletter 4
4 請在這裡輸入標題 澳門大學圖書館加入全球最大的圖書館聯盟編目系統 UM joins US bibliographic catalogue to share resources with libraries around the world 澳門大學圖書館為本地藏書最豐富的圖書館,去年 10 月加盟 OCLC 美 國國際圖書館電腦中心 (Online Computer Library Center) 的聯盟編目計 劃,成為澳門地區首個成為聯盟的圖書館 , 大大提升澳門地區的資源共 享的形象及其貢獻罕有書目的重要性。 The University of Macau Library is the library with the largest collection of books in Macau, and it became the first library to join the integrated cataloguing program of Online Computer Library Center based in America which greatly improves the resource sharing image of Macau and its importance of providing rare books. 圖書館在暑假期間新增和優化了資訊共用空間的多項環境和設施 The Library Improved the Environment and Added Multiple Facilities for the Information Commons during the Summer Vacation 圖書館一直致力于於為讀者提供優質服務。為迎接新學期到來,為 了讓讀者有更好的使用體驗,圖書館在暑假期間新增和優化了資訊 共用空間的多項環境和設施,包括:全新桌椅、顯示器设备、超宽 屏電腦區、 iMac Pro 一台。 The library has always been committed to providing quality services to its patrons. To welcome the new semester and provide readers with a better experience, the library has improved the environment and added multiple facilities for the Information Commons during the summer vacation, including: new table and chairs, display monitor, ultra-widescreen computers area and an iMac Pro. 快訊 News Flash
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