Library Newsletter 4
6 請在這裡輸入標題 澳門大學圖書館博雅講座——葡語角客席講座: Portuguese Language in the Atlantic —— 澳大葡文系 Gabriel Antunes de Araujo 教授 Portuguese Corner Guest Lecture – Boya Talk of UM Library: Portuguese Language in the Atlantic by Prof. Gabriel Antunes de Araujo, UM 講者: Gabriel Antunes de Araujo教授 Speaker: Prof. Gabriel Antunes de Araujo 日期Date: 25/04/2019 時間Time: 17:30-18:45 地點Venue: E2, 澳大圖書館2樓花園E2, UM Library, 2nd Floor, Sky Garden 博雅講座:上座傳經事已微 ---- 饒宗頤先生新加坡大學執教考 Boya Lecture: Jao Tsung-I in Singapore (1968–1973): Why He Went and Left 講者: 澳門大學歷史系楊斌副教授 Speaker: Prof. Bin Yang, Department of History, University of Macau 日期Date: 14/04/2019 時間Time: 14:30-15:30 地點Venue: E1, 大學展館演講廳 E1, Auditorium, University 人文學院葡文系葡亞研究中心講座 : 澳大圖書館葡文天地博雅講座 : 賈梅士與 世界 FAH-DPORT-CIELA: Portuguese corner guest lecture boya talk of the UM library: Camões and the world 講者: Hélio Alves 教授 Speaker: Prof. Hélio Alves 日期Date: 08/03/2019 時間Time: 17:30-18:30 地點Venue: E2, 澳大圖書館 二樓空中花園E2, UM Library - Sky Garden, 2nd Floor 博雅講座 Boya Talks
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