Library Newsletter 4
7 博雅講座 Boya Talks 博雅講座 : 閱讀與寫作 Boya Lecture : Reading and Writing 講者: 王安憶教授 Speaker: Prof. Wang Anyi 日期Date: 25/3/2019 時間Time: 15:30-16:30 地點Venue: 澳大圖書館演講廳 (E2) UM Library’s Auditorium (E2) 王安憶教授簽書會 Book Signing by Prof. Wang Anyi 日期 Date: 2019 年 3 月 25 日 時間 Time: 16:30-17:00 地點 Venue: 澳大圖書館演講廳 (E2) ) UM Library’s Auditorium (E2) 展覽巡禮 Exhibition Highlights 《廣州大典》澳門展 Guangzhou Encyclopedia Exhibition at Macao 日期 Date: 27/9-10/10 地點 Venue: E2, 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館, 2 樓空中花園 E2, 2/F, UM Wu Yee Sun Library, Sky Garden 為貫徹落實《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃網要》,迎接澳門回歸祖國 20 周年,加強 穗澳兩地文化交流,澳門大學圖書館、廣州圖書館與廣州大典研究中心合作舉 辦展覽及講座。 In order to implement the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area”, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Macao's return to the Mainland China, and to strengthen cultural exchanges between Guangzhou and Macao, the University of Macau Library cooperated with Guangzhou Library, Research Center of the Guangzhou Encyclopedia to hold an exhibition and lecture series.
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