Library Newsletter 4
8 請在這裡輸入標題 傑出院士學者書法展開幕禮 Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition by Renowned Academicians and Scholars 日期 Date: 20/6-3/7 時間 Time: 10:00-17:00 地點 Venue: 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 UM Wu Yee Sun Library “科學大師人文書藝 – 傑出院士學者書法展” 暨 “科學與藝術人文院士論 壇”於六月二十日上午在大學圖書館隆重舉行。澳門大學校長宋永華、副校 長葛偉、蘇基朗和何繼善、金耀基、王玉明、潘雲鶴、徐揚生五位院士出席 書法展開幕並主持剪綵儀式。展覽展出十位院士學者的書畫作品七十餘幅, 展期至七月三日,上午 10 時至下午 5 時在圖書館 5 樓 2 號展覽廳舉行。 The "Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition by Renowned Academicians and Scholars" and the "Science and Art & Humanities Forum" were held in the University Library on June 20. The University of Macau Rector Song Yonghua, Vice Rector Ge Wei, Billy So and He Jishan, King Yeochi, Wang Yuming, Pan Yunhe and Xu Yangsheng attended the opening ceremony and presided over the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Held from 10 am to 5 pm, the exhibition displayed more than 70 calligraphy and painting works of ten academicians and scholars , which was on until July 3 at hall 2, 5 / f in the University Library. 活動花絮 -- 文明聚珍──澳門大學圖書館新近 入藏外文古籍展 Activity Highlights -- Exhibition of the Selected European Rare Books of the University of Macau Library 日期 Date: 25/3-26/4 地點 Venue: 澳門大學圖書館古籍館 University of Macau Library Rare Collection Room 澳大圖書館舉辦了“文明聚珍──澳門大學圖書館新近入藏外文古籍展”, 展出一批由十六世紀後期至鴉片戰爭以前出版的外文文獻 22 種。內容以西方 人看中國為主,大量與澳門研究有關。 其中出生於澳門的 Frei Jacinto de Deus 的 《Brachilogia de princepes》(1671 年)屬罕見版本。 The “Exhibition of the Selected European Rare Books of the University of Macau Library” was opened on April 1, 2019. Twenty-two documents were displayed in this exhibition which were published from the 16th century to the Opium War. The contents are mainly about China in the eyes of Westerners, and Macao studies related information. The exhibits includes a very rare copy of “Brachilogia de princepes” (1671) by Macao-born Frei Jacinto de Deus. 2019 教科書及學術書展 2019 Textbook and Academic Book Fair 日期 Date: 3/9-6/9 時間 Time:3/9-5/9 10:00-18:00 6/9 10:00-13:00 地點 Venue: 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館展覽(E2-G007) Exhibition Hall of UM Wu Yee Sun Library(E2-G007) 由澳門大學圖書館主辦與澳門文化廣場承辦的 "2019 教科書及學術書展"在澳 門大學伍宜孫圖書館展覽廳舉行。 書展期間還舉行抽獎活動,大家可藉此機會以優惠價購買及訂購所需書籍。 The “2019 Textbook and Academic Book Fair”, which is jointly organized by UM Library and Plaza Cultural Macau was at the Exhibition Hall of UM Wu Yee Sun Library. A lucky draw was held during the Book Fair. See the poster for details. People could buy and order their favorite books with exclusive discount during that period.
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