Library Newsletter 6

3 “詩歌與人生——傅天虹漢語新詩藏館”捐贈儀式暨博雅講座” Donation Ceremony of “Poetry and Life -- Fu Tianhong Chinese New Poetry Collection" and Boya Lecture 日期 Date:22 / 10 時間 Time:15:00 - 16:30 地點 Venue:二樓書畫坊演講廳 Artwork Corner, 2/F & Auditorium 澳門大學中國歷史文化中心與該校圖書館聯合舉辦“詩歌與人生——傅天虹漢語新詩藏館”捐贈儀式暨博雅講座”。著名詩人、作家、收藏 家、出版家傅天虹教授將其收藏的重要書籍和文件檔案捐贈予澳大,藉此支持中國歷史文化中心的工作,並在大學圖書館建立漢語新詩館藏, 方便師生及文學研究者使用。 Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau and University Library jointly organized the "Poetry and Life -- Fu Tianhong Chinese New Poetry Collection" and Boya Talk. Important books and documents collected by the famous poet, writer, collector, and publisher Fu Tianhong were donated to the University of Macau to support the work of Centre for Chinese History and Culture. A collection of new Chinese poetry was established in the university library for the convenience of teachers, students and literary researchers. 講座 Seminars -- Highlighted 博雅講座“ 戲劇與小說的相互影響:從茅盾文學獎獲獎作品《主角》說起 ” Boya Lecture "The Interaction of Drama and Novel: From the Mao Dun Award-winning work "The Protagonist" 日期 Date:9 / 11 時間 Time:10:00 地點 Venue:演講廳 Auditorium 講者 Speaker:陳彥先生 Mr. Chen Yan