Library Newsletter 6

4 請在這裡輸入標題 展覽 Exhibitions -- Highlighted 朱壽桐教授贈圖書館三幅書法作品 Prof. Zhu Shoutong donated three calligraphy works to the library 日期 Date:11 / 8 時間 Time:08:00 - 24:00 澳門大學中國歷史文化中心主任朱壽桐教授贈予大學圖書館三幅書法 作品,內容分別為朱壽桐教授為抗疫所作的兩首舊體詩《詩吟北方大 雪》、《清明》和一首新詩《致害人蟲,或者瘟神》。 Prof. Zhu Shoutong, Director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau, donated three calligraphy works to the University Library. The works are two old-style poems entitled " 《詩吟北 方大雪》 (Literal translation: Poems of the Northern Snow)" and " 《清明》 (Literal translation: Ching Ming)", and a new poem entitled “《致害人 蟲,或者瘟神》 (Literal translation: To pests, or plagues) ” all written by Prof. Zhu Shoutong about fighting the epidemic. 圖書館館員書畫藝術作品展 UM Library Staff Calligraphy, Painting and Art Exhibition 日期 Date:11 / 9 - 10 地點 Venue:二樓書畫坊 Artwork Corner, 2/F 澳大圖書館職員書畫藝術作品展在圖書館二樓的書畫坊舉行。 展出 了十三位館員的繪畫、書法、手工藝術和藝術設計產品。展覽期 間,還進行相關活動,例如工作坊和藝術交流。 展覽為期一個月。 The UM Library Staff Calligraphy, Painting and Art Exhibition has taken place at the Artwork Corner on the second floor of the library. Paintings, calligraphies, handmade art, and art design products by thirteen librarians are on display. During the exhibition, there are also related activities, such as workshops and art exchanges. The exhibition is open for one month.