Library Newsletter 6

5 s 霍英東珍禧書院十週年圖片展 Photo Exhibition of the 10th Anniversary of Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College 展覽 Exhibitions -- Highlighted 澳大圖書館展出傅高義教授著作 Exhibition of the works in memory of Prof. Ezra Feivel Vogel 日期 Date:11 / 11 – 20 / 11 時間 Time:09:00 地點 Venue:展覽廳 Exhibition Hall 霍英東珍禧書院自 2010 年成立,一直致力將書院發展"統合式體驗學習 模式",將學習、服務、創意融入書院的活動體系中,將學生的學習環境 延伸到日常生活。為院生提供持續無縫的學習網絡。 為慶祝霍英東珍禧書院成立 10 週年,我們將會在澳門大學圖書院舉辧 10 週年圖片展,向大眾呈現書院的每個重要時刻和重點項目的情況。 HFPJC is celebrating it's 10th Anniversary and will hold a Photo Exhibition in UM Library. Since the establishment of the College in 2010, HFPJC continuously strives for developing the College to be a vibrant, healthy and collegiate community for members to enrich their university experience through participation in inter-disciplinary and integrated learning. This exhibition displays all important moments of the history and development of the College and its signature projects. . 日期 Date:30 / 12 – 30 / 1 時間 Time: 8:00 – 24:00 地點 Venue:圖書館G層C區 Library G/F Zone C 澳大圖書館即日起在 G 層 C 區展示館藏傅高義教授著作,為紀念傅高義教授 為促進中美溝通與交流、增進兩國人民相互瞭解、推動中美關係發展所作的 貢獻。 In recognition of Professor Vogel’s contribution to propelling communication and exchanges between China and the United States, enhancing mutual understanding between the two peoples, and promoting the development of China-U.S. relations, the University of Macau Library is now exhibiting the works of Professor Vogel on Ground floor in zone C.