Library Newsletter 7

澳門大學 40 週年校慶 —— “新 形勢下全球治理與中國—葡語國 家關係發展”研討會 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Seminar on Global Governance and the Development of Relations between China and Portuguese- speaking Countries in the New Context 日期 Date:13 / 4 / 2021 時間 Time:09:00 - 16:00 地點 Venue: 圖書館演講廳 Auditorium, UM Library 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此溝通管道,能讓讀者瞭解圖書館多一點;亦希望透過此刊物,將圖書館的最新消息 傳播開來。我們期待廣大讀者參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動,從而增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時對圖書館工作提出寶貴的意見。 The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, which disseminates its news in this publication. By participating in a variety of activities organized by the Library, we expect that library readers will gain more knowledge of library services and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on future library services. 活動概覽 Activity Highlights 澳門大學 40 週年校慶 —— 澳門大學成立 四十周年文獻展 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Documents and Archives Exhibition (cont) 日期 Date:16 / 4 / 2021 地點 Venue: 圖書館1樓手稿坊A區 Zone A, Manuscript Corner, 1/F UM Library 展覽內容分為三部份: 1. 檔案:展出創校時來自世界各地著名大 學的祝賀信函、歷任校長及副校長的委任 紀錄冊、歷年頒授榮譽博士學位的學者紀 錄冊; 2. 墨寶:展出饒宗頤教授等書法墨寶; 3. 手跡:展出多位獲授名譽學位的專家手 稿等。 The exhibition is divided into three parts: 1. Archives: congratulations letters from well- known universities around the world when UM was founded, appointment records of rectors and vice rectors, and records of scholars who awarded honorary doctorates over the years; 2. Calligraphy: calligraphies by Professor Jao Tsung -i , etc. ; 3. Manuscript: manuscripts of scholars who have been awarded honorary degrees. 澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 人文 學院中國歷史文化中心 — 簽題 奇跡 : 大師簽名珍本書展 暨《中 國文化論叢》首發式 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: FAH-CCHC : Exhibition of Masters Rare Signature Collections and Book launch of “Chinese Cultural Research Series” 日期 Date:7 / 5 / 2021 地點 Venue: 圖書館1樓C區 1/F of Zone C , UM Library