Library Newsletter 7
澳門大學圖書館已於二零㇐八年十月正式加入 OCLC 聯盟編目,共建共享全球圖書館書目資源。澳大圖書館通過把館藏加入 OCLC 全球聯合目錄,增加澳大圖書館及其館藏在世界範圍內的可見度,與世界各地共享澳門本地資源與科研成果。 OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) 成立於 1967 年,是全球規模最大的圖書館非牟利合作組織,目前在 124 個國家有超過 16,500 個成員館。 OCLC 以共享知識及推動科研為宗旨,通過全球圖書館間的書目資源共享,揭示學術科研發展,提供全球 資源共建共享、館際互借,以及以圖書館及其用戶為導向的多元化創新服務。 目前澳門大學圖書館已上載 186,277 條記錄到 OCLC 。 The University of Macau Library has joined the OCLC cooperative cataloging in October 2018, so as to develop and share bibliographic resources with libraries all around the world. By adding UM Library’s holding into OCLC’s global union catalog, the global visibility of UM Library and its collections would be advanced. Meanwhile, the bibliographic resources of Macau local publications and research output could also be shared worldwide. OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), established in 1967, is the world's largest non-profit cooperative organization for libraries. It has more than 16,500 members in 124 countries currently. OCLC aims at sharing knowledge and promoting research. It reveals the development trends of scientific research through sharing bibliographic resources within global libraries. It supports and provides services for cooperative developments, resources sharing, interlibrary loan worldwide, as well as library-and-users oriented model with innovation and diversification. The University of Macau Library has uploaded 186,277 records to OCLC. 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 Oct2018 Nov2018 Dec2018 Jan2019 Feb2019 Mar2019 Apr2019 May2019 Jun2019 Jul2019 Aug2019 Sep2019 Oct2019 Nov2019 Dec2019 Jan2020 Feb2020 Mar2020 Apr2020 May2020 Jun2020 Jul2020 Aug2020 Sep2020 Oct2020 Nov2020 Dec2020 Jan2021 Feb2021 Mar2021 Apr2021 May2021 Jun2021 Jul2021 每月上載至 OCLC 記錄累計總數 ( 二零一八年十月至二零二一年七月 ) OCLC (Total Data Sync Monthly) (10/2018-07/2021)
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