澳大分別與葡語系國家及內地高校建圖書館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliances with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Mainland China 澳門大學分別倡議與葡語系國家及內地高校成立“中國澳門特別 行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯盟"和“澳門特別行政區與內地學 術圖書館葡語資源聯盟"。2021年9月13日,澳大與內地學術圖書 館葡語資源聯盟舉行線上合作協議書簽字儀式,創建館際互借及文 獻傳遞服務機制,並建立聯合目錄。 共有逾50名來自北京、上海、天津、重慶、廣東、四川、浙江、 大連、西安和澳門知名學府的嘉賓代表出席線上簽字儀式。同場還 舉行“大學圖書館服務創新線上聯展"開幕儀式,展示成員館在服 務創新方面的優秀案例,並介紹了聯盟網站、成員館的葡語資源聯 合目錄,以及供葡語教師參考使用的教學資源等。 The University of Macau (UM) initiated the establishment of two academic library alliances, namely the Academic Library Alliance between Macao Special Administrative Region and Portuguesespeaking Countries, and the Academic Library Alliance for Portuguese Language Resources between Macao Special Administrative Region and Mainland China. On September 13th, UM and other members of the latter alliance held an online ceremony to sign an agreement on the creation of a mechanism for interlibrary loan and document delivery service, as well as a joint catalogue. More than 50 guests from renowned universities in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangdong, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Dalian, Xi’an, and Macao joined the online signing ceremony. An online opening ceremony for the exhibition of service innovations of member libraries was also held during the same event. The exhibition showcases examples of service innovations by member libraries and introduced the websites of the two alliances, the joint catalogue of Portuguese language resources of member libraries, and teaching resources for Portuguese teachers. 前言 澳大圖書館館訊是一個館員與讀者雙向溝通的園地,希望透過此溝通管道,能讓讀者瞭解圖書館多一點;亦希望透過此刊物,將 圖書館的最新消息傳播開來。我們期待廣大讀者參與圖書館舉辦的各項活動,從而增加對圖書館服務的了解,同時對圖書館工作 提出寶貴的意見。 Preface The UM Library Newsletter is a garden where the librarians and the readers communicate with each other. It is hoped that through this communication channel, all readers can learn more about the library, which disseminates its news in this publication. By participating in a variety of activities organized by the Library, we expect that library readers will gain more knowledge of library services and meanwhile provide us with valuable insights on future library services. 活動 Activity
2 請在這裡輸入標題 澳門大學獲贈馬許願教授個人手稿及 檔案文獻 University of Macau Receives Manuscripts and Archives from Professor Rui Martins 日期 Date:23/11/2021 澳門大學副校長馬許願教授向澳大捐贈 個人手稿及檔案文獻,捐贈儀式於2021 年11 月23 日在大學展館舉行,澳門大 學校董會主席林金城博士、澳門大學校 董會成員林綺濤女士、澳門大學校長宋 永華教授、榮譽學院院長黎寧教授、圖 書館館長吳建中博士、澳門國際研究所 代表盧文輝先生以及校內教授等出席捐 贈儀式。 Prof. Rui Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affairs) of the University of Macau, donated his personal manuscripts and archives to the University of Macau. The donation ceremony was held in the UM Gallery on 23 November 2021. Dr. Lam Kam Seng Peter (Chair of the University Council of UM), Dra. Anabela Ritchie (Member of the University Council of UM), Prof. Yonghua Song (Rector of UM), Prof. Rose Lai (Dean of Honours College of UM), Dr. Wu Jianzhong (University Librarian of UM), Mr. Rufino Ramos (Representative of the International Institute of Macao) and many UM professors attended the donation ceremony. 澳大圖書館與澳門基金會研究所座談 交流 Discussions and Exchanges between the UM Library and the Institute of Macao Studies of Macao Foundation 日期 Date:15/9/2021 2021 年9 月15 日上午,澳門基金會研 究所一行, 黄麗莎處長、楊開荆、蔡永 君、陳思恩高級技術員訪問了澳大展 館、圖書館和檔案館。參觀結束後雙方 圍繞文獻管理、資料保存、數字建設等 方面進行了座談交流。 On the morning of September 15, 2021, a delegation from the Institute of Macao Studies, Macao Foundation, Lisa Wong Head of the Office, Helen Leong, Berton Tsoi, and Cherry Chan Senior Executives visited the UM Gallery, Library and Archives. After the visit, the two parties had discussions and exchanges on document management, data preservation, and digital construction etc. 澳大與葡語系國家成立學術圖書 館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliance with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries 日期 Date:21/10/2021 澳門大學與葡語系國家大學成立 “澳門特別行政區(中國)與葡語 國家學術圖書館聯盟”,並於2021 年9月16日舉行線上合作協議書簽 字儀式,宣布聯盟正式成立。 聯盟由澳大倡議並與19所澳門和葡 語系國家的著名大學及學術機構共 同發起成立,將促進成員館之間資 源和資訊的共享共用,在教育、學 習和學術研究等方面相互提供支援 和進行合作。 The University of Macau (UM) on 16 September, 2021 held an online ceremony to sign a cooperation agreement on the establishment of an Academic Library Alliance between Macao Special Administrative Region and Portuguese-speaking Countries. Initiated by UM and co-founded with 19 well-known universities and academic institutions in Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries, the alliance aims to promote the sharing of resources and information among its member libraries, as well as mutual support and cooperation in education, learning, and academic research. 活動 Activity
3 向公務人員領導力培訓班學員展示圖書館大三巴數字人文計劃 成果展及意見交流 Showcase of the Library’s Digital Humanities Project of Ruins of St. Paul's Area to the Public Servant Leadership Training Course Participants 日期 Date:30/11/2021 為讓公務人員領導力培訓班學員更有效運用及配合資源去了解、研 究澳門歷史,2021年11月30日以實地體驗及館內講解的方式,由 澳大圖書館的梁德海助理館長、李仲明主任向各位學員介紹了尋找 澳門歷史資源方法及以大三巴片區數字人文計劃為例,分享數字人 文計劃的目的和成果。 The purpose was to let participants of the public servant leadership training course to understand and study the history of Macau with the use of resources more effectively. On November 30, 2021, by field experience and indoor introduction, Mr. Billy Leung (the Assistant Librarian) and Mr. Stephen Lei (Functional Head of Library System and Information Technology Unit) of the University of Macau Library introduced the methods of finding historical resources in Macau, and shared the purpose and results of the Digital Humanities Project. 活動 Activity 澳門大學圖書館代表出席粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟青年學者 論壇 The University of Macau Library has Sent Representatives to Attend the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance (GHMULA) Youth Scholars Forum 日期 Date:22-23/11/2021 澳門大學圖書館代表於11 月22 至23 日前往廣州中山大學參 加2021 年粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟青年學者論壇。本次論壇聚 焦粵港澳高校圖書館的服務創新和合作展望,圍繞新技術、 新素養、新教育、新計畫展開研討,以線上和線下相結合的 形式舉辦,來自粵港澳三地成員館的專家學者代表逾150人參 加了論壇。 Representatives from the University of Macau Library went to Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University to participate in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Library Alliance (GHMULA) Youth Scholars Forum 2021 from November 22 to 23. This forum focused on the service innovation and further cooperation prospects of university libraries in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. All participants have shared many innovative thoughts and experiences on information technology, literacy, education, and development. The forum was held on-site and online successfully for over 150 experts and representatives from the member libraries to join.
4 請在這裡輸入標題 圖書館向跨境學生捐贈一批防疫物資和學習用品 The Library Donated a Number of Epidemic Prevention Materials and School Supplies to the Cross-Border Students 日期Date: 2021-10-05 因本澳再有新增確診案例,珠澳通關維持原有措施,入境珠海需隔離 14 天,不少跨境學生及家長因此滯留本澳。由於部分人士在澳沒有居所,澳 門大學積極提供協助,將原本招待外賓的場所清空,讓為數約160多名跨境 學生入住,以解燃眉之急。 同時,澳大圖書館亦向跨境學生捐贈了一批圖書館紀念品供其學習及生活 之用。 Due to the new confirmed cases in Macau, cross-boundary measures between Zhuhai and Macao maintained 14 days' quarantine for entry into Zhuhai. Many cross-border students and their parents are stranded in Macau, some of which have no local residence. The University prepared the guest-serving venue for the students, about 160 of them moved in. The library donated a number of library souvenirs to the cross-border students for study and daily usage. 圖書館職員作為義工參與到全民核酸檢測 Colleagues from the Library Volunteered for the Mass Nucleic Acid Testing 日期Date: 2021-10-08 澳門第三次全民核酸檢測於10月4日至7日期間進行。其中,澳大及石排灣是全澳41個核酸檢 測站之二,24 小時為澳門市民服務。一如前兩次,這次也有不少澳大職員自願作為義工參與了 工作,而圖書館亦有三位同事參與到了此項有意義的工作中,他們分別為李仲明、謝靜珍及謝 惠紗。 The third round of citywide nucleic acid testing in Macau will be carried out from October 4 to 7. The University of Macau is one of the 41 nucleic acid testing stations, 24 hours in operation for Macau residents. As in the previous two tests, there are many UM members offering voluntary help. 3 colleagues from the library volunteered for this significant event. They are Lei Chong Meng, Xie Jingzhen, and Che Wai Sa. 抗疫專欄 Anti-Epidemic Column
5 · 澳門大學圖書館經歷40年累積,截至本年10月31 日,已編目的實體館藏為849,614項,平均每月增加 3,500多項。據了解該館於2020年7月更換了全球最 先進的新一代圖書館自動化系統ALMA後,編目團隊 大大提升了工作效率,自新系統上線後,已新增書 目57,383種,60,239項,更新書目內容1,217,041 次。此外,該館亦為不同需要讀者建立了一站式的 書目服務,先後已製作了17個特色館藏庫,部份更 可查閱全文。 館藏資訊 Collection News 澳門大學圖書館即將迎來藏書85萬冊 The Book Collection of the University of Macau Library is about to Reach 850,000 Books After 40 years of development, as of 31 October 2021, the University of Macau Library has a physical collections of 849,614 cataloged items, with an average of about 3,500 items addition per month. By upgrading to the world’s most advanced newgeneration library automation system - ALMA in July 2020, the UM Library’s cataloging team has greatly improved its work efficiency. Since its launch, 57,383 new bibliographies and 60,239 items have been added to it, and the bibliographic content has been updated 1,217,041 times. In addition, the library has also established a one-stop bibliographic service for readers with different needs, by creating 17 special collection databases, some of which can be accessed for full text. 自建系統 In-house Developed Systems 圖書館系統及資訊科技組自行開發下列系統以支持服務 和管理需求: Library System and IT Unit developed two systems: 圖書館課程系統Library Curriculum System 檔案清單系統 File inventory system 系統更新 Systems Update 圖書館大數據墻系統增加了統計類型,優化了 版面。The library big data wall system has added statistical types and optimized the layout. 新版澳大數字化圖書館上線。The new library digital portal was officially launched. 澳門特別行政區與中國內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟和 中國澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯盟網站正 式上線。 Academic Library Alliance for Portuguese Language Resources between the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Mainland of China and Academic Library Alliance between Macao Special Administrative Region (China) and the Portuguese Speaking Countries website was officially launched. 快訊 News Flash
6 請在這裡輸入標題 问题: 一共只有5页改图 日期 Date 活動 Event 地點 Venue 2021/09/14 澳大分別與葡語系國家及內地高校建圖書館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliances with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Mainland China N6, 行政樓 N6, Administration Building 2021/09/15 澳大圖書館與澳門基金會研究所座談交流 Discussions and Exchanges between the UM Library and the Institute of Macao Studies of Macao Foundation E2, 圖書館 E2, Library 2021/10/05 圖書館向跨境學生捐贈一批防疫物資和學習用品 The Library Donated a Number of Epidemic Prevention Materials and School Supplies to the Cross-Border Students N1,聚賢樓 UM Guest House 2021/10/08 圖書館職員作為義工參與到全民核酸檢測 Colleagues from the Library Volunteered for the Mass Nucleic Acid Testing 2021/10/21 澳大與葡語系國家成立學術圖書館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliance with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries N6, 行政樓 N6, Administration Building 2021/11/23 澳門大學獲贈馬許願教授個人手稿及檔案文獻 University of Macau Receives Manuscripts and Archives from Professor Rui Martins E2, 圖書館 E2, Library 2021/11/22-23 澳門大學圖書館代表出席粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟青年學者論壇 The University of Macau Library has Sent Representatives to Attend the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance (GHMULA) Youth Scholars Forum 2021/11/30 向公務人員領導力培訓班學員展示圖書館大三巴數字人文計劃成果展及意見交流 Showcase of the Library’s Digital Humanities Project Of Ruins of St. Paul's Area to the Public Servant Leadership Training Course Participants 活動總表 Event Summary [Cite your source here.]