2 請在這裡輸入標題 澳門大學獲贈馬許願教授個人手稿及 檔案文獻 University of Macau Receives Manuscripts and Archives from Professor Rui Martins 日期 Date:23/11/2021 澳門大學副校長馬許願教授向澳大捐贈 個人手稿及檔案文獻,捐贈儀式於2021 年11 月23 日在大學展館舉行,澳門大 學校董會主席林金城博士、澳門大學校 董會成員林綺濤女士、澳門大學校長宋 永華教授、榮譽學院院長黎寧教授、圖 書館館長吳建中博士、澳門國際研究所 代表盧文輝先生以及校內教授等出席捐 贈儀式。 Prof. Rui Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affairs) of the University of Macau, donated his personal manuscripts and archives to the University of Macau. The donation ceremony was held in the UM Gallery on 23 November 2021. Dr. Lam Kam Seng Peter (Chair of the University Council of UM), Dra. Anabela Ritchie (Member of the University Council of UM), Prof. Yonghua Song (Rector of UM), Prof. Rose Lai (Dean of Honours College of UM), Dr. Wu Jianzhong (University Librarian of UM), Mr. Rufino Ramos (Representative of the International Institute of Macao) and many UM professors attended the donation ceremony. 澳大圖書館與澳門基金會研究所座談 交流 Discussions and Exchanges between the UM Library and the Institute of Macao Studies of Macao Foundation 日期 Date:15/9/2021 2021 年9 月15 日上午,澳門基金會研 究所一行, 黄麗莎處長、楊開荆、蔡永 君、陳思恩高級技術員訪問了澳大展 館、圖書館和檔案館。參觀結束後雙方 圍繞文獻管理、資料保存、數字建設等 方面進行了座談交流。 On the morning of September 15, 2021, a delegation from the Institute of Macao Studies, Macao Foundation, Lisa Wong Head of the Office, Helen Leong, Berton Tsoi, and Cherry Chan Senior Executives visited the UM Gallery, Library and Archives. After the visit, the two parties had discussions and exchanges on document management, data preservation, and digital construction etc. 澳大與葡語系國家成立學術圖書 館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliance with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries 日期 Date:21/10/2021 澳門大學與葡語系國家大學成立 “澳門特別行政區(中國)與葡語 國家學術圖書館聯盟”,並於2021 年9月16日舉行線上合作協議書簽 字儀式,宣布聯盟正式成立。 聯盟由澳大倡議並與19所澳門和葡 語系國家的著名大學及學術機構共 同發起成立,將促進成員館之間資 源和資訊的共享共用,在教育、學 習和學術研究等方面相互提供支援 和進行合作。 The University of Macau (UM) on 16 September, 2021 held an online ceremony to sign a cooperation agreement on the establishment of an Academic Library Alliance between Macao Special Administrative Region and Portuguese-speaking Countries. Initiated by UM and co-founded with 19 well-known universities and academic institutions in Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries, the alliance aims to promote the sharing of resources and information among its member libraries, as well as mutual support and cooperation in education, learning, and academic research. 活動 Activity