4 請在這裡輸入標題 圖書館向跨境學生捐贈一批防疫物資和學習用品 The Library Donated a Number of Epidemic Prevention Materials and School Supplies to the Cross-Border Students 日期Date: 2021-10-05 因本澳再有新增確診案例,珠澳通關維持原有措施,入境珠海需隔離 14 天,不少跨境學生及家長因此滯留本澳。由於部分人士在澳沒有居所,澳 門大學積極提供協助,將原本招待外賓的場所清空,讓為數約160多名跨境 學生入住,以解燃眉之急。 同時,澳大圖書館亦向跨境學生捐贈了一批圖書館紀念品供其學習及生活 之用。 Due to the new confirmed cases in Macau, cross-boundary measures between Zhuhai and Macao maintained 14 days' quarantine for entry into Zhuhai. Many cross-border students and their parents are stranded in Macau, some of which have no local residence. The University prepared the guest-serving venue for the students, about 160 of them moved in. The library donated a number of library souvenirs to the cross-border students for study and daily usage. 圖書館職員作為義工參與到全民核酸檢測 Colleagues from the Library Volunteered for the Mass Nucleic Acid Testing 日期Date: 2021-10-08 澳門第三次全民核酸檢測於10月4日至7日期間進行。其中,澳大及石排灣是全澳41個核酸檢 測站之二,24 小時為澳門市民服務。一如前兩次,這次也有不少澳大職員自願作為義工參與了 工作,而圖書館亦有三位同事參與到了此項有意義的工作中,他們分別為李仲明、謝靜珍及謝 惠紗。 The third round of citywide nucleic acid testing in Macau will be carried out from October 4 to 7. The University of Macau is one of the 41 nucleic acid testing stations, 24 hours in operation for Macau residents. As in the previous two tests, there are many UM members offering voluntary help. 3 colleagues from the library volunteered for this significant event. They are Lei Chong Meng, Xie Jingzhen, and Che Wai Sa. 抗疫專欄 Anti-Epidemic Column