5 · 澳門大學圖書館經歷40年累積,截至本年10月31 日,已編目的實體館藏為849,614項,平均每月增加 3,500多項。據了解該館於2020年7月更換了全球最 先進的新一代圖書館自動化系統ALMA後,編目團隊 大大提升了工作效率,自新系統上線後,已新增書 目57,383種,60,239項,更新書目內容1,217,041 次。此外,該館亦為不同需要讀者建立了一站式的 書目服務,先後已製作了17個特色館藏庫,部份更 可查閱全文。 館藏資訊 Collection News 澳門大學圖書館即將迎來藏書85萬冊 The Book Collection of the University of Macau Library is about to Reach 850,000 Books After 40 years of development, as of 31 October 2021, the University of Macau Library has a physical collections of 849,614 cataloged items, with an average of about 3,500 items addition per month. By upgrading to the world’s most advanced newgeneration library automation system - ALMA in July 2020, the UM Library’s cataloging team has greatly improved its work efficiency. Since its launch, 57,383 new bibliographies and 60,239 items have been added to it, and the bibliographic content has been updated 1,217,041 times. In addition, the library has also established a one-stop bibliographic service for readers with different needs, by creating 17 special collection databases, some of which can be accessed for full text. 自建系統 In-house Developed Systems 圖書館系統及資訊科技組自行開發下列系統以支持服務 和管理需求: Library System and IT Unit developed two systems: 圖書館課程系統Library Curriculum System 檔案清單系統 File inventory system 系統更新 Systems Update 圖書館大數據墻系統增加了統計類型,優化了 版面。The library big data wall system has added statistical types and optimized the layout. 新版澳大數字化圖書館上線。The new library digital portal was officially launched. 澳門特別行政區與中國內地學術圖書館葡語資源聯盟和 中國澳門特別行政區與葡語國家學術圖書館聯盟網站正 式上線。 Academic Library Alliance for Portuguese Language Resources between the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Mainland of China and Academic Library Alliance between Macao Special Administrative Region (China) and the Portuguese Speaking Countries website was officially launched. 快訊 News Flash