6 請在這裡輸入標題 问题: 一共只有5页改图 日期 Date 活動 Event 地點 Venue 2021/09/14 澳大分別與葡語系國家及內地高校建圖書館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliances with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Mainland China N6, 行政樓 N6, Administration Building 2021/09/15 澳大圖書館與澳門基金會研究所座談交流 Discussions and Exchanges between the UM Library and the Institute of Macao Studies of Macao Foundation E2, 圖書館 E2, Library 2021/10/05 圖書館向跨境學生捐贈一批防疫物資和學習用品 The Library Donated a Number of Epidemic Prevention Materials and School Supplies to the Cross-Border Students N1,聚賢樓 UM Guest House 2021/10/08 圖書館職員作為義工參與到全民核酸檢測 Colleagues from the Library Volunteered for the Mass Nucleic Acid Testing 2021/10/21 澳大與葡語系國家成立學術圖書館聯盟 UM Establishes Library Alliance with Universities in Portuguese-Speaking Countries N6, 行政樓 N6, Administration Building 2021/11/23 澳門大學獲贈馬許願教授個人手稿及檔案文獻 University of Macau Receives Manuscripts and Archives from Professor Rui Martins E2, 圖書館 E2, Library 2021/11/22-23 澳門大學圖書館代表出席粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟青年學者論壇 The University of Macau Library has Sent Representatives to Attend the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance (GHMULA) Youth Scholars Forum 2021/11/30 向公務人員領導力培訓班學員展示圖書館大三巴數字人文計劃成果展及意見交流 Showcase of the Library’s Digital Humanities Project Of Ruins of St. Paul's Area to the Public Servant Leadership Training Course Participants 活動總表 Event Summary [Cite your source here.]