Parte III. O USO DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA , + B , . , . 0 , 4 7 ? 2.1 METODOLOGIA ( , 0 / , . 6 AOON @ @? ( * . / , . ? B - . / , 7 4 0 , . 0 70 . Cƒ , D 4 , ) ,. M ; . . . * + ; . / ; 0 . testing context M G 4 - , . ./ ? ! - . 0 - I . 0 ) , , B , - B - , . 6 0 70 .B . , 4 - 0 70 , I , . 4 - - , 0 , . , . , ,. ? , 2 B 4 AB , 7 4 0 ? Autor (Ano) Título do estudo Skehan e Foster (1997) Task type and task processing conditions as influences on foreign language performance Mehnert (1998) The effects of different lengths of time for planning on second language performance Ortega (1999) Planning and focus on form in L2 oral performance Yuan e Ellis (2003) The effects of pre-task planning and on-line on fluency, complexity and accuracy in L2 monologic oral production Gilabert (2005) Task complexity and L2 oral narrative production Kawauchi (2005) The effects of strategic planning on the oral narratives of learners with low and high intermediate L2 proficiency Sangarun (2005) The effects of focusing on meaning and form in strategic planning Lee, Oh e Shin (2007) The effects of planning time on the second language performance in a narrative task Levkina (2008) The effects of increasing cognitive task complexity along [+/- planning Time] and [+/- few Elements] on L2 oral production Guará-Tavares (2008) Pre-task planning, working memory capacity, and L2 speech performance 206