6 / / 7 澳門大學(澳大)作為澳門唯一的綜合性公立大學,長期以來受到 中央及特區政府和社會各界的關心和支持。自1981年創校以來,一直 秉承“仁、義、禮、知、信”的校訓,並透過其獨特的教學模式和住 宿式書院(書院)系統,形成以專業、通識、研習及社群教育為主的 全人教育模式,建立了學院與書院相輔相成的協同育人教育體系,其 中履行社群教育的書院系統更是本科生教育的最大特色。 澳大書院是一個知識整合的學習平台,體現了大學揭櫫的四位一體 全人教育理念,力求培養學有所成以及情操高尚的大學畢業生。具體 而言,書院系統培育學生成為具有家國情懷的良好公民,他們具社會 責任心、遵紀守法,廉潔誠信,為澳門、國家乃至整個人類社會做出 貢獻。書院的社群生活及活動,亦旨在提升宿生在公民責任心、全球 競爭力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參與及健康生 活方面的品格質素。 書院宿生來自不同專業背景,營造了充滿啟發性的環境,讓大家得 以互相學習,增廣見聞,豐富生活;並且培養全球視野、獨立思維及 文化自信,學習如何與不同專業和文化的人共存、溝通、合作,藉以 窺見畢業後事業途上的現實,準備好在這全球化世界啟航,提升學生 的全球競爭力。書院有駐院及非駐院學術導師,除提供個人指導以外, 亦開設自由參加的導修課,內容包括專業、通識以及專業語文等,藉 以幫助學生融會貫通學術知識、慎思明辨、創新創業。 2021 年,澳大迎來建校40 週年。深耕四十載,大學在人才培養、 科學研究、社會服務、對外合作等多方面不斷進步,在本地、區域及 國際的聲譽不斷提升。大學繼續積極配合特區政府的施政理念,推行 新的書院教育2.0 模式,發揮澳大在愛國愛澳人才培養方面的積極作 用。未來,澳大將不斷優化書院系統,繼續悉心構建全人教育環境, 實踐全人教育理念。 校長 宋永華 As the only public comprehensive university in Macao, the University of Macau (UM) has received longterm support from the central government, the Macao SAR government, and all sectors of society. Since its founding in 1981, UM has adhered to the virtues of ‘Humanity, Integrity, Propriety, Wisdom and Sincerity’. It emphasizes the holistic development of students by implementing a unique education model based on discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education; as well as an integrated education system in which faculties and residential colleges (RC) achieve synergy by complementing each other. In particular, the RC system is considered the jewel in the crown of UM’s undergraduate education. UM's RC system provides a platform for knowledge integration of the ‘4-in-1’ education model with the aim of cultivating well-rounded graduates equipped with intellectual and moral capabilities. It nurtures students to become contributing members of the society committed to upholding the values of patriotism, social responsibility, law-abidance, integrity and honesty, and devoting themselves to their motherland, Macao and humanity at large. The RC system strives to enhance students’ seven competencies through communal living and activities, including responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle. Students from different academic disciplines live together in each RCs, thereby creating a stimulating environment in which they can coexist, communicate and collaborate with people of different disciplines and cultural background, while maturing into globally aware, culturally confident life-long learners who can think independently and creatively. The enlightening RC experiences further enable students to confront real-life challenges after graduation and prepare them better for a fruitful and sustainable career amid global competition. In addition, RC’s Resident and Non-Resident Fellows are dedicated to conducting noncredit-bearing academic programs composing of disciplinary studies, general education, and academic language skills, targeting to support students to better integrate academic knowledge, to think critically, and to excel and venture beyond limitations. Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2021, UM has made remarkable progress in nurturing professionals, scientific research, community service and international cooperation, with its rise in reputation locally, regionally and internationally. In line with the Macao SAR government’s policy, UM actively engages in cultivating patriotic and affectionate talents by promoting the innovative RC Education 2.0 model. In the future, UM shall continue its unceasing efforts to optimize the RC system, provide an environment conducive to academic excellence and pursue a whole-person education. Rector Yonghua Song 吿ꩾ㶑靤 / Message from the Rector