8 / / 9 ⯽阌 / Introduction 本書旨在說明澳大書院系統的源起、演進、願景。澳大書院參考了 哈佛耶魯等美國大學的住宿型書院 (House或Residential College) 及 牛津劍橋的書院 (College),同時繼承了中國宋明書院的精神。澳大一 直秉承“仁、義、禮、知、信”的校訓,本科教育推行融合專業、通識、 研習及社群教育的“四位一體”教育模式。並透過此獨特的教育模式 以及作為社群教育重點的書院系統,達致為學生提供全人教育的目的。 澳大的教育使命,是培養澳門、國家及世界發展所需之具家國情懷、 國際視野、全球競爭力和有社會責任感的公民以及創新型的人才。澳 大書院系統在落實澳大本科育人理念上,扮演極為關鍵的角色。 This book aims to document the origin, evolution and vision of the RC system at UM. The system is modelled upon the house or RC system of Harvard and Yale in the US as well as the college system of Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, and has inherited the spirit of shuyuan (academy) during the Song and Ming dynasties in China. Adhering to the motto ‘Humanity, Integrity, Propriety, Wisdom, and Sincerity’, the university’s undergraduate education is structured on a 4-in-1 model integrating disciplinary education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. This unique education model and the RC system, which is the core of the community and peer education, aim to foster the whole-person development of students. UM’s education mission is to cultivate responsible citizens and innovative leaders who are strong in national commitment and global competitiveness, with international outlook, meeting the needs of the advancement of Macao, their home country, and the world. The RC system thus plays a critical role in realising the university’s vision for undergraduate education.