52 / / 53 憭㝕⛿㶇䑑剹ꯗ1.0曭 UM Residential College Education 1.0 睙◝ꌄ⮖ | PART II 曹光彪書院 / 人文學院 / 歐淑禎 Chao Kuang Piu College / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Ao Sok Cheng 2021/2022學年 書院學生助理 Academic Year 2021/2022 Resident Assistant “書院代表的就是家,在院長、導師及辦公室行政 人員的陪伴下,來自不同地方、不同學系的我們一 起生活成長,共同分享生活中的喜怒哀樂。與此同 時,它更是一個探索自我、發揮所長的舞台,謝謝 書院,謝謝在這段旅程中遇見的每一位。” “Resident ial Col lege is l ike a second home. Accompanied by college master, resident fellows and administrative staff, here we share our growth and every bit of our life together, despite differences in cultural and disciplinary background. Meanwhile it is also a platform for self-discovery and achievement. Thank you RC and everyone I met in this fruitful journey.” 霍英東珍禧書院 / 社會科學學院 / 黃茵 Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College / Faculty of Social Sciences / Huang Yin 2013/2014學年 書院院生會秘書 2016/2017學年 畢業生 Academic Year 2013/2014 Secretary of House Association Academic Year 2016/2017 Graduate “書院讓我看到了團結的力量,我學會了如何統籌 活動、如何與他人溝通合作。在書院不但結識了很 好的朋友,更找到了有現在創業團隊的合夥人。感 謝書院,感恩經歷。” “I learned how to coordinate activities and cooperate with people, and more importantly, the power of unity in my RC l ife. I have made very good friends of my life, as well as the partners of my current entrepreneurial team. I am grateful for my residential college experience.” 張崑崙書院 / 科技學院 / 黃子健 Cheong Kun Lun College / Faculty of Science and Technology / Wong Chi Kin 2021/2022學年 書院學生助理 Academic Year 2021/2022 Resident Assistant “參與和協助舉辦多元化的書院活動,在助人為樂、 關懷院生的同時,也充實了自我,豐富了大家的學 生生活。” “I have achieved self-improvement and enriched the student life of myself and everyone, through participation and organisation of residential college activities.” 馬萬祺羅柏心書院 / 工商管理學院 / 劉豐瑞 Ma Man Kei And Lo Pak Sam College / Faculty of Business Administration / Liu Fengrui 2021/2022學年 書院學生助理 Academic Year 2021/2022 Resident Assistant “在大三上學期的夏天我作為學生助理,協助新同 學辦理入住手續、參加以及舉辦活動的經歷,至今 還讓我記憶猶新。” “When I was a third-year student, I was a Residential Assistant who assisted new students to move in. The experiences of participating and organizing activities have been unforgettable.”