56 / / 57 憭㝕⛿㶇䑑剹ꯗ1.0曭 UM Residential College Education 1.0 睙◝ꌄ⮖ | PART II 滿珍紀念書院 / 社會科學學院 / 梁善衡 Moon Chun Memorial College / Faculty of Social Sciences / Leong Sin Hang 2021/2022學年 書院院生會秘書長 Academic Year 2021/2022 Secretary-general of House Association “書院獨特的中西文化融合氛圍,讓我們有幸邀請 各國駐澳領事到校交流分享,參與澳門各國商會舉 辦的活動。拓寬視野的同時,也讓我看見自己更多 的可能性。” “The unique international atmosphere of the college encourages us to conduct exchanges with Consuls from different countries and to participate in the activities organised by the Macao Chamber of Commerce. While broadening my horizons, it also allows me to discover different sides of myself.” 鄭裕彤書院 / 工商管理學院 / 榮譽學院 / 侯振煒 Cheng Yu Tung College / Faculty of Business Administration / Honours College / Hao Chan Wai 2021/2022學年 書院學生助理 Academic Year 2021/2022 Resident Assistant “我曾經是院生會的體育健康組組員、院生會主席、 書院籃球隊主力,現在是學生助理、創新創業團隊 一員,當中的身份轉變讓我學會感同身受,換個角 度看待世界,收獲良多。” “I have played several different roles such as the member of Sports and Health working group, the President of the House Association and the key player of the college basketball team. I am currently a Resident Assistant and a member of the innovation and entrepreneurship team. I gained a lot from those identities and responsibilities, such as empathy and critical thinking.” 呂志和書院 / 科技學院 / 王曉明 Lui Che Woo College / Faculty of Science and Technology / Wang Xiaoming 2021/2022學年 書院助教 Academic Year 2021/2022 Resident Tutor “我在書院舉辦過運動類、藝術體驗等活動。書院 便是院生的生活圈和朋友圈,而書院的老師則像家 長一般關心和照顧院生。書院是一個大家庭,亦是 一個大學縮影。” “I have conducted various kinds of activities in residential college. It is a big family and a community where students live and socialise with their friends, and where academic staff provide pastoral care to students.” 滿珍紀念書院 / 社會科學學院 / 林家儀 Moon Chun Memorial College / Faculty of Social Sciences / Lam Ka I 2021/2022學年 書院院生會主席 Academic Year 2021/2022 President of House Association “感謝書院提供了一個很好的平台讓我發掘自己的 才能。每一件在學院與書院學習到的事情,不論大 小,都成為了我創業起步的基礎。” “Thanks to residential college for providing me with a good platform to explore my talents. Everything I learned here, no matter how big or small, has become the foundation for my entrepreneurship.”