
COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 我覺得,現在教育制度受社會大環境影 響,目前的教育制度難以培養學生讀書 的興趣,沒有讓他們學會讀書的方法, 而如果他有興趣有方法了,把他吸進 去,他再也出不來。而姚教授就像一塊 磁鐵,把學生們吸引過來,他們自然就 會往下走。說實在話,姚教授帶起了一 股風氣,有很多年輕教授跟著他。你像 美國麻省理工學院裡有一百多個教授、 幾百個非常傑出的學生,這樣的環境就 會讓你覺得鼓舞,這非常重要,「姚班」 就有這個好處,30個人都在相互鼓舞。 I think another mission of education is to motivate students to devote themselves to scholarship by the teacher’s own example. In order to become a world-class scholar, you must have a master to serve as your role model. I think a very important thing Prof. Yao has done for his students is to make them realise that as long as they work hard, they might one day attain the same level. It’s very important for teachers to not just teach but also motivate, which is exactly what masters like Prof. Yao, Prof. Franklin Chen-Ning Yang and Prof. Shing-Tung Yau have done. In today’s society, with the current education system, it’s very dif!cult to make students interested in learning, much less to teach them the correct method to learn, which is a shame. Because with interest and correct method, a teacher could draw students like a magnet, like Prof. Yao does. There are over one hundred professors and several hundred outstanding students at MIT, and this creates an environment that keeps you motivated, which is very important. And this is what happens in the “Yao Class”—thirty people are motivating each other. Prof. Frances Yao 儲楓教授 8 umagazine | issue 07